Saturday, April 12, 2014

LTC – Will Air Travel Continue for the Next 2 Years?

LTC – Will Air Travel Continue for the Next 2 Years?

Will Air Travel Continue for the Next 2 Years?
For a number of years, Central Government employees have been enjoying the benefits of Leave Travel Concession (LTC). When a Central Government employee is employed at a place that is not his home town, then, once every two years or twice every four years, he/she is eligible to reimburse the travel expenses incurred for travelling to and back, along with the entire family.
BLOCK YEAR consists of four years. The current block year runs from 2010 to 2013. This is divided into two – 2010-11 and 2012-13, and concession to travel to the home town is offered twice.  Instead of two trips to home town, the employee is eligible to convert one of them as ALL INDIA LTC concession. Those who haven’t availed of the concession of the 2012-13 year block can utilize it in 2014.
Depending on their designation, the employees are eligible to utilize air, ship, rail and road transportation facilities, along with the travel class.
In the year 2010, in order to develop Jammu & Kashmir and North-East Region, it was announced that Central Government employees are eligible to travel to these regions via air from Delhi and Kolkata respectively. It was also announced that the travel expenses could be claimed in advance. Following this announcement, Central Government employees have started travelling via air, along with their families. From the HEADQUARTERS, where they are employed, they have to travel to New Delhi or Kolkata by train and go to Shri Nagar or Gauhati by airplane.
This concession is given in two categories, on the basis of grade pay. Those with GP higher than Rs. 4200 and above are eligible to travel from the airport nearest to their work headquarters. Those with GP lesser than Rs. 4200 will have to travel to Delhi or Kolkata by train and continue only the rest of the journey by airplane.
These concessions were initially announced for only two years and then extended to 2013. Each BLOCK YEAR can be carried forward to one year, i.e., those who haven’t utilized the facility in 2012-13 BLOCK YEAR can avail of it until December 2014.
This wonderful opportunity will draw to a close very soon. The Government has issued permission to travel by air to the NORTH-EAST REGION until 30.04.2014 and to JAMMU & KASHMIR until 17.06.2014. 
Question is – Will this concession be extended for the next two years?

Pensionary Benefits drawn by Director level officers vis-d-vis lower level officers at the level of DS/US

Pensionary Benefits drawn by Director level officers vis-d-vis lower level officers at the level of DS/US – Question raised in Lok Sabha. Minister’s reply:-

“The Sixth Central Pay Commission in para 2.2.18 of its Report recommended, inter-alia, that pre-revised pay scales ranging from Group `A` entry level to S-27 scale of Rs. 16400-20900 may be placed in the common Pay Band-3. The Commission further recommended Grade Pay of Rs.6100/- for an Under Secretary level officer, Grade Pay of Rs.6600/- for a Deputy Secretary level officer and Grade Pay of Rs.7600/- for a Director level Officer. As part of the modifications made by the Government, while the Grade Pay of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary level Officers were enhanced to Rs.6600/- and Rs.7600/- respectively, pre-revised Pay Scales from S-24 (applicable to Director level Officers) to S-27 have been placed in Pay Band-4. Both in pre-revised and revised pay structure, the pay scale applicable io a Director level Officer has been higher than that in case of a Deputy Secretary or Under Secretary level Officer and since pension is a function of pay drawn by an Officer at the time of superannuation, pension in case of a DS/US level officer is independent of that in case of a Director level officer. Thus, the question of taking any steps in this regard does not arise.”

Details of Lok Sabha Question:-
ANSWERED ON 21.02.2014
4687 . Muhammed HAMDULLA A. B. SAYEED
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:-

(a) whether pay band for Director level officers was clubbed with the pay band of other lower level officers as per the recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government delinked the pay band of Director level officers from the band attached to lower level officers;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor and its impact on pensionary benefits drawn by Director level officers vis-d-vis lower level officers at the level of DS/US; and
(d) the steps taken by the Government to address the issue?



(a) to (d): The Sixth Central Pay Commission in para 2.2.18 of its Report recommended, inter-alia, that pre-revised pay scales ranging from Group `A` entry level to S-27 scale of Rs. 16400-209C0 may be placed in the common Pay Band-3. The Commission further recommended Grade Pay of Rs.61007- for an Under Secretary level officer, Grade Pay of Rs.6600/- for a Deputy Secretary level officer and Grade Pay of Rs.7600/- for a Director level Officer. As part of the modifications made by the Government, while the Grade Pay of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary level Officers were enhanced to Rs.6600/- and Rs.7600/- respectively, pre-revised Pay Scales from S-24 (applicable to Director level Officers) to S-27 have been placed in Pay Band-4. Both in pre-revised and revised pay structure, the pay scale applicable io a Director level Officer has been higher than that in case of a Deputy Secretary or Under Secretary level Officer and since pension is a function of pay drawn by an Officer at the time of superannuation, pension in case of a DS/US level officer is independent of that in case of a Director level officer. Thus, the question of taking any steps in this regard does not arise.

Draft Transfer Policy for Railway's Officers issued by Railway Board for comments/suggestions

 Draft Transfer Policy for Railway's Officers issued by Railway Board for comments/suggestions
Draft Transfer Policy for Railway's Officers issued by Railway Board for comments/suggestions:-
Dated 9.4.2014
Board has prepared a draft transfer policy which is enclosed herewith. All officers are requested to offer their comments/ suggestions, on the proforma attached, through email to trf
While sending their comments, Officers may indicate their Scale in the subject line eg. Senior Scale, JA Grade, SA Grade, etc.
Officers are requested to give their comments by April 21, 2014.
Jt. Secretary (G)
Railway Board
Name:                                                      Designation :
Pay Scale :
SI No.Nature of Comments
1.Whether in agreement with the transfer policy? 
2.In case of difference of opinion, please state the particular clause 
3.Kindly state your opinion on the disagreed clause 
4.Additional comments on the transfer policy 



i. The transfer policy has been formulated for officers of different levels.

ii. Group 'A' officers shall have all India transfer liability. (Authority: General Policy of Government of India)

iii. In the case of Railway Doctors, frequent transfers are not considered to be in the overall interest of the patients. However, they can be transferred on a case to case basis in order to ensure that they do not develop vested interests. (Authority: E(0)III / 2007/ PL/ 01 dated 19.04.2007)

iv. Group 'B' officers have localized seniority and hence they are not normally transferred from one Railway/Unit to another. However, they can be transferred on their own request on acceptance of bottom seniority.

v. Group A officers allotted to NF Railway are required to serve there for a minimum period of 8 years before they can be considered for transfer to other Railway/Unit of their choice. (Authority: E(0)III/2009/PL/01 dated 28.4.2009)

vi. Officers transferred to NF Railway and NF Railway (Con) from other Railways/Units are required to remain there for a minimum period of three years before they can be considered for transfer to other Railway/Unit of their choice. (Authority: E(0)III / 91 / PL/ 24 dated 21.2.2009)

iOfficers posted as Head of centralized Training institute.2 yrs
5 yrs
iiOfficers posted as Faculty of centralized Training institute.2 yrs5 yrs
iiiOfficers posted in RDSO DD/JD/Dir/ED)2 yrs5 yrs
ivGroup 'A' officers posted in Railway Board2 yrs5 yrs
vOfficers posted in sensitive posts-4 yrs
viTenure in any one particular post2 yrs4 yrs
viiThe minimum tenure will not be applicable for Junior and Senior Scale posts.  
viii(a) Tenure of officers working at one 10 yrs popular station (if not allotted to the
10 yrs
 (b) Tenure of officers working at one popular station (if allotted to the Zone) 
15 yrs
 (c) Popular stations - (i) Delhi (ii) Mumbai (iii) Kolkata (iv) Chennai (v) Secunderabad (vi) Bangaluru (vii) Jaipur (viii) Lucknow.  
 (d) The maximum tenure will include outside deputation including
deputation in Railway PSUs.
ixRDSO posts dealing with research not involving vendor development/approval. 
10 yrs
xAny deviation from above tenure norms wherever justified will require approval of GM in cases where case is approved at the level of Zonal Railways and by CRB in cases which requires Board's approval.
xiAny extension in the tenure of the officer may be granted to cover the education session (maximum up to 30th June following the date of completion of tenure). The period of extension should not exceed one year in any case.
i. The posting in Board is not a deputation but is a tenure posting, the officers after completion of tenure in Board may be permitted to go for deputation in Railway/non-Railway PSUs or on Central deputation. (Authority: ERB-I/2013/2/70 dated 3.3.2014) This will be subject to provision in Para 2.

ii Deputation of Railway Officers will be governed by DoP&T's guidelines as adopted by Ministry of Railways vide letter No.2010/F(E)II/ 1(1)/ 1 dated 28.07.2010.

iii A 'cooling off' period of three years will be necessary for posting of the officer between two postings in Railway Board. The officers after completion of tenure in Railway/non-Railway PSUs or under Central Staffing Scheme will be eligible for posting in Railway Board.

iv There can be a maximum of two postings of an officer in Railway Board from JAG to HAG of a total tenure not exceeding eight years. For example, if an officer has already worked for six years in JAG/SAG (five years regular + one year extended tenure) and is posted back to Board in the second tenure, he/she have only two years tenure in the second posting and no extension of tenure shall be considered. (Authority: Board's decision dated 30/31 Dec 2013)

v Extension of tenure for 6th year (beyond normal tenure of five years in one post) shall need prior approval of Minister of Railways (MR). (Authority: Board's decision dated 30/31 Dec 2013.)

4.1 An officer may be allowed to go on deputation outside the Railways including Railway PSUs for not more than two terms in his entire career. However, each term of deputation shall not exceed 6 years and the total tenure of both the deputation shall not under any circumstances exceed 10 years. (The deputation in Railway PSU would be included for counting 10 years (new policy)"

5.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy, Government may, if necessary in administrative interest, transfer or post any officer to any station or post.

6. Procedure regarding posting/transfer/deputation will be governed by Railway Board's circular No. ERB-I /2013/ 2/ 70 dated 03.03.2014 86 Officer Order No. 16 of 2014 (No. 2014/0&M/2/6 dated 03.03.2014)
6.1 Any deviation from the policy prescribed above would require the approval of the Minister of Railways.

7.1 Posting of husband 86 wife at same station shall be governed by DOPT's OM No.28034/9/2009-Estt(A) dated 30.09.2009.

8.1 Policy regarding rotational transfer of doctors in Railway Hospital shall be governed by Railway Board's letter No.E(0)III-2007/PL/02 dated 19.04.2007.  


Transfer Policy of National Informatics Centre (NIC)

Transfer Policy of National Informatics Centre (NIC)

ANSWERED ON 19.02.2014

Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:-

(a) whether a transfer policy is in place in the National Informatics Centre (NIC);

(b) ifso, the details thereof;

(c) whether NIC has not been complying with the said transfer policy and the guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) during the last three years; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the steps being taken by the Government for the compliance of transfer policy?



(a): Yes, Sir

(b): The Transfer Policy of National Informatics Centre (NIC) is given in the Annexure.

(c): The transfers on compassionate ground, own request, in public interest etc. are made as per Transfer Policy adopted in NIC.

The employees in the non S&T category posted in different sections which are sensitive in nature like purchase, stores, vigilance etc. are considered for rotational postings/transfers as per the guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission,

(d): Does not arise


Transfer Policy of National Informatics Centre (NIC)
1.0     Introduction

1.1     NIC is a Premier Information-Technology Organisation in India providing State of the Art Solutions for Information Management and Decision Support in Government. A number of Services are being provided by NIC to all the Government Ministries/Departments/States/Districts.

1.2        NIC   is   providing    network   backbone   to   support   e-Governance   in   Central  Government, State Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government. bodies. It offers a wide range of ICT services, including Nationwide Communication Network.

1.3     NIC presently has a total strength of 3822 S&T personnel and 738 Non-S&T personnel, at different levels, posted at ministries/departments of Gol and States, State Assemblies, High Courts, as well as district headquarters across the country.

1.4     This necessitates transfer of personnel from one location to another from time to time.

2.0   The Transfer Committee

2.1         Director General, NIC constitute a Committee to examine the cases of Transfers in NIC. The present committee has been reconstituted vide OM No.l7(8)/2013-Pers. dated 27.11.2013. (.Copy enclosed)

2.2     The above-mentioned Transfers Committee comprise of NINE senior level officers. Seven members of these are equivalent to JS-level in Gol, of which Five members are either functioning or have functioned as State Informatics Officer (SIO) at the NIC State Units for long periods.

3.0     The Guidelines / Criteria

3.1         Transfers are normally carried out on 'Compassionate ground'. However, sometimes there are urgent requirements/exigencies of posting manpower at NIC Centres. In such cases, transfers are earned out in 'Public interest', in consultation and on recommendation of concerned Controlling Officers.

3.2     Requests for transfers on 'Compassionate ground' are invited from interested employees through a web-based closed-group online system (INTRANIC) of NIC, with the recommendations of their respective Heads of Division / Heads of Group / State Informatics Officer.

3.3     Individuals are  allowed to submit maximum  Three choices of Places  for transfer  in  the  order  of
preference. Efforts are made to consider the request as far as possible, subject to the availability of vacancies, posting of substitute and other requirements.

3.4     The number of S&T personnel, transferred in a particular year in a State, are normally limited to 5% of the employees in that State, including districts.

3.5     The criteria followed by the Committee, in the order of priority, are as follows:

(a)  HL: Applications from the officials working in Hard Locations viz. North East, Islands of Andaman & Nicobar, Jammu & Kashmir etc., who have served in the present place of posting for more than three years. Officials working in notified difficult districts in a State for more than 3 years would be given preference for transfer within the state.

(b)  EC: Extreme Compassionate grounds.

(c)  SL: Applications from officials with the request for Spouse 3oining (whose spouses are working in Central / State Government / Public Sector) and who have served in the present place of posting for more than three years.

(d)  PI: Applications from officials who were transferred to present place of posting in 'Public Interest', and have completed more than 5 years. If the public interest transfer was a part of any complaint or inquiry, then his / her case would not be considered in this category.

(e)  OT: Applications from officials who are not in the above four categories and have served for more than three years at the present place of posting.

3.6    In addition to the above. Guidelines followed in case of Non-S&T personnel, are as follows:

(a)  When an Assistant level person is promoted to Section Officer level, he/she is mandatorily transferred out from his/her present place of posting in 'Public Interest".

(b)  The vacancy of a Section Officer is filled by transferring from among the existing Section Officers seniority-wise, after seeking their willingness.

Annexure Source:

Merger of DA with Pay: Lok Sabha Q&A

Merger of DA with Pay: Lok Sabha Q&A
Question: whether there is any proposal to merge 50 per cent DA into basic pay of Central Government Employees and Pensioners; if so, the details thereof;
Govt Reply in Lok Sabha:-
ANSWERED ON 07.02.2014
Will the Minister of FINANCE  be pleased to state:-
(a) the percentage of Dearness Allowance (DA) with respect to basic pay of the Central Government Employees as on date; (a) With effect from 1st July, 2013, the rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) payable on the revised pay of Central Government employees is 90%.
(b) whether there is any proposal to merge 50 per cent DA into basic pay of Central Government Employees and Pensioners;
(b) No Sir.
(c) if so, the details thereof; and (c) In view of (b) above, the Question does not arise.
(d) if not, the reasons therefor? (d) The Sixth Central Pay Commission did not recommend merger of DA with basic pay at any stage. This has been accepted by the Government vide Resolution dated 29th August, 2008.


Railway Revenue Earnings during Fiscal 2013-2014

Railway Revenue Earnings during Fiscal 2013-2014

Ministry of Railways

The total approximate earnings of Indian Railways on originating basis during the financial year 2013-14 were Rs. 140485.02 crore compared to Rs. 121831.65 crore during the same period last year.

The total goods earnings crore during fiscal 2013-14 were Rs. 94925.02 core compare to Rs. 82852.54 crore during the same period last year.

The total passenger revenue earnings during the financial year 2013-14 were Rs. 37478.03 crore compared to Rs. 31896.22 crore during the same period last year.

The approximate revenue earnings from other coaching amounted to Rs. 3818.04 crore during fiscal 2013-14 compared to Rs. 3137.92 crore during the same period last year.

The total approximate numbers of passengers booked during the financial year 2013-14 were 8535.00 million compared to 8602.12 million during the same period last year. In the suburban and non-suburban sectors, the numbers of passengers booked during fiscal 2013-14 were 4549.85 million and 3985.15 million compared to 4473.38 million and 4128.74 million during the same period last year.

Source: PIB

Retirement age of 65: The Politicization of Employees’ Demands

Retirement age of 65: The Politicization of Employees’ Demands

65 as Retirement Age: Employees Demand Becomes Electoral Manifesto Issue

Once again, raising the retirement age has started making headlines. But this time, they are not rumours or false stories. There is some truth in it. A recognized political party has promised to increase the retirement age of state government employees from 60 to 65.

‘Samajwadi Party’

In the election manifesto released yesterday, the party has promised to raise the retirement age of the state employees to 65.

Not 62, but 65..!

Retirement age for state government employees differ from state to state. Since the state governments do not follow the Central Government’s retirement age at 60, the demand has now started to show up in election manifestos of different states.

State governments have the power to decide the retirement ages of its employees. The recent Budget happenings of the Kerala State Government in this issue are well known.
Last year, there were a number of developments in this issue for the employees of Uttar Pradesh State Government. Since employees getting job at the age of 40 and retiring at 60 will not be able to complete qualifying service hence, will be devoid of benefits such as gratuity. Therefore, a demand was put forth to increase the retirement age..!

While replying to this question, Minister Mohd Azam Khan said that the State Government had no plans to raise the retirement age. He also accepted that the maximum age for recruitment for State Government employment has been changed to 40. He said that there were currently no plans of increasing retirement age because it would adversely affect the employment opportunities of others.

Amidst these situation, it is worth noting that the Samajwadi party, in its election manifesto, has announced that it would increase the retirement age to 65.


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