CHARACTER OF POSTS : Ministerial or Non- Ministerial
Character of Posts of Ministerial or Non- Ministerial, Tenure posts, Gazetted and Non-Gazetted and Industrial& Non-Industrial...
Ministerial or non- ministerial
servant means a Government servant of a subordinate service whose
duties are entirely clerical, and any other class of servant
specifically defined as such by general or specific order of a local
government. Local government does not include a Chief Commissioner. FR
(a) Those member of Group B service whose duties are predominantly clerical shall be called as(b) Having regard to the nature of the duties attached to them, the posts of Private Secretary to Secretaries and Joint Secretaries should be classified as ‘Ministerial’.(c) Unless already classified, all new posts should be classified into ‘Ministerial’.(d) Posts of Senior Gestetner Operator are to be classified as ‘Ministerial’(e) All proposals regarding classification of posts as ‘Ministerial’ or ‘non-Ministerial’ should be referred to the Department of Personnel & Training who will, where necessary consult UPSC.
Industrial& Non-Industrial
of the staff who come within the meaning of ‘Workmen’ for the purposes
of the Industrial Disputes Act. 1964, as amended from time to time,
should be classified as ‘Industrial employees’.
Tenure posts
post means a permanent post which an individual Government servant may
not hold for more than a limited period. In case of doubt, the Central
Government may decide whether a particular post is not a tenure post. FR
The Union Public Service Commission
should be consulted before classifying a post, whether permanent or
temporary, as a tenure post.
(i) Group A posts and Group B non-ministerial and executive posts should ordinarily be
(ii) Group B ministerial posts may be given gazetted status only on very special considerations, such
(a) The officer already had gazetted status before appointment.(b) The officer has commissioned or gazetted officers under his orders.(c) The officer performs duties of a technical character requiring special qualifications.(d) The office is periodically left in charge of the office during the absence of his superior on tour andhas to dispose of business and to deal with gazetted officers or businessmen/ on behalf of his
(iii) Group C posts to be treated as a rule, as non-gazetted.
newly created posts, whether permanent or temporary, should be
classified, as soon as created in consultation with Department of
Personnel & Training
instruction for the conferment of ex-officio secretariat status on
officers holding non-secretariat posts are contained in the Ministry of
Home Affairs O.M. No. 17/7/65-Estt(A) dated 16th November, 1967.
According to these instructions, Secretariat status is necessary only
for those officers who:
(a) sign communication, orders or notifications on behalf of Government.
(b) within the limits of the Rules of Business or secretariat Instructions, take decision on behalf of
there is a departure from the conditions stated at (a) and (b) above;
the ex-officio status would lapse with the transfer/retirement of the
present incumbent.
The conferment of ex-officio
secretariat status on any non-Secretariat officer does not add to the
status of the post held by him.