Tuesday, April 7, 2020

CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates

CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates

F.No. W-02/0039/2017-DPE(WC)-GL-V/20
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industry & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-1 10003
Dated: 3 April, 2020

Subject:- Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised Supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the para 7 and Annexure-III (B) of DPE’s OM dated 03.08.2017 wherein the rates of DA payable to the Board level and below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs have been indicated. The next installment for revision of rates of DA is due from 01.04.2020. Accordingly, the rate of DA payable to the executives and non-untonized supervisors of CPSEs is as follows :-

Also check: AICPIN for the month of January 2020 - Expected DA from July 2020 - Central Government Employees News

(a) Date from which payable: 01.04.2020
(b) Average AICPI (2001=100) for the quarter Dec '2019 - Feb '2020
Dec., 2019 330
Jan., 2020 330
Feb., 2019 328
Average of the quarter 329.33
(c) Link Point - 277.33 (as on 01.01.2017)
(d) Increase over link point - 32 (329.33 minus 277.33)
(e) DA Rate w.e.f. 01.04.2020 - 18.7% [52 /277.33) x 100)

2. The.above rate of DA i.e. 18.7% would be applicable in the case of IDA employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2017) as per DPE O.Ms. dated 03.08.2017, 04.08.2017 & 07.09.2017.
3. All administrative Ministries / Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the foregoings to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.

(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary

All administrative Ministries / Departments of the Government of India.
Copy to:
  1. The Chief Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises.
  2. Financial Advisers in the Administrative Ministries / Departments.
  3. Department of Expenditure, E-I] Branch, North Block, New Delhi.
  4. The Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 9 Deen Dayal Upadhayay Marg, New Delhi.
  5. NIC, DPE with the request to upload this OM on the DPE website.
(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary

Source: dpe.gov.in

Pension claim submission during lock-down of Defence civilian

O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension),
Draupadighat, Allahabad - 211014

Circular No.C- 207
O/o the PCDA(P), Allahabad
Dated: 03/04/2020
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)

Sub:- Submission of pension claim during lock-down in respect of Defence civilian

Government of India has declared lock-down as a precautionary measure in view of COVID-19. Some Head of office have expressed their inability in forwarding of pension claim in hard copy due to lockdown. Matter has been considered by the competent authority and it has been decided that till then lockdown, superannuation/retiring pension claim whose date of retirement is on or before 30.04.2020 and all death cases pension claim may also be forwarded as a soft copy i.e. scanned copy to PCDA (Pension) Allahabad email address cda-albd@nic.in. This arrangement is optional for those HOO who are not in position to forward pension claim in hard copy. Subject of email should be "Pension claim- G1/Civil".

2. In view of the above, you are requested to issue suitable instructions (along with copy of this circular) to all the head of the Offices under your administrative control to ensure the submission of pension claim as stated above.

(Navpreet Kaur)
Dy.CDA (P)

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