Trade Union Membership verification by the officials of Chief Labour Commissioner
No. IV/NFIR/VMS/2011
Afliliated Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: Trade Union Membership verification by the officials of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Government of India, New Delhi.
You are aware that the Officials of Minister of Labour, Government of India, will be verifying the claimed membership of various Trade Unions for the year 2011 for finalizing the verified membership of each central trade union at national level.
It is reported that the Officials of Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) have already started work in this direction. All the NFIR affiliated Unions should get ready to ensure that their claimed membership is accepted as verified membership by the Officials of RLC(Central) of the respective regions. In order to avoid default, affiliated Unions should meet the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) in their respective areas and show the copy of the annual return for the year 2011 already filed before Registrar of Trade Unions so that verification can go smoothly.
The Railway Unions of Contract Labour, Lincensed Porters etc. may also be got verified for the purpose of proof of verified membership.
Any laxity on the part of affiliated Unions would result in set back to the position of NFIR and INTUC and hence NFIR urges upon the affiliated Unions to treat this issue as most important and act accordingly.
Yours fraternally
General Secretary
No. IV/NFIR/VMS/2011
Dated: 14/09/2013
The General Secretaries ofAfliliated Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: Trade Union Membership verification by the officials of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Government of India, New Delhi.
You are aware that the Officials of Minister of Labour, Government of India, will be verifying the claimed membership of various Trade Unions for the year 2011 for finalizing the verified membership of each central trade union at national level.
It is reported that the Officials of Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) have already started work in this direction. All the NFIR affiliated Unions should get ready to ensure that their claimed membership is accepted as verified membership by the Officials of RLC(Central) of the respective regions. In order to avoid default, affiliated Unions should meet the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) in their respective areas and show the copy of the annual return for the year 2011 already filed before Registrar of Trade Unions so that verification can go smoothly.
The Railway Unions of Contract Labour, Lincensed Porters etc. may also be got verified for the purpose of proof of verified membership.
Any laxity on the part of affiliated Unions would result in set back to the position of NFIR and INTUC and hence NFIR urges upon the affiliated Unions to treat this issue as most important and act accordingly.
Yours fraternally
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
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