Friday, May 30, 2014



As per the press release of Labour Bureau, All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial workers Base Year 2001=100) for  the month of April, 2014 increased by three points from 239 to 242.

According to the hike of index for the month of April 14, the Expected DA from July 2014 is also increased by two percent from 3 to 5…

The below table is clearly indicate the movement of AICPIN with increasing additional Dearness allowance month wise…

AICPIN for the month of April 2014 begged at 242

Base Year
Points in
Total Points
Total of
12 Months
12 Months
% Increase
over 115.763
Total DA %DA% Increase
Month wise 
Jan-14237-2 2802233.5117.74101.711011
Feb-142381 2817234.75118.99102.791022
Mar-142391 2832236120.24103.861033
Apr-14 242332848237.33121.57105.021055
Simple Calculator for Central Government Employees…
Dearness Allowance Calculator based on Anticipated AICPIN Points

Each month, the Central Government announces the AICPIN points based on prices and inflation. It is based on these points that the Dearness Allowance is calculated. A new calculator has been created that calculates the Dearness Allowance based on the AICPIN point given by the user. When you type in your anticipated AICPIN point for the following month at the ENTER VALUE field, the calculator will show you the change in Dearness Allowance.


Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment-Regarding.

Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment-Regarding.
Parliament Committee Matter
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
(Department of Personnel and Training) 
Subject:- Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment - Regarding. 
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum of even number dated 25.03.2013 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject wherein all the Ministries/Departments were requested to furnish an annual report in the enclosed proforma latest by 30th April of every year, indicating the status of implementation of Government instructions on compassionate appointment as on 31st March of that year. Initially separate reports for three years covering the period from 01.04.2010 to 31.03.2011, 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012 and 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013 should be sent. Thereafter, an annual report covering the period from 15th April of the preceding year to 31st March of the current years be sent.  
2. The requisite information from the Ministries/Departments is still awaited. The Ministries/Departments are once again requested to furnish information urgently. 
(Mukta Goel) 

Dopt Orders on revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate

Dopt Orders on revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate

Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate
No.36036/2/2013- Estt.(Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 30th May. 2014
The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/Union Territories
Subject: Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate
The Government of India had issued instructions on 8th September, 1993 vide DoPT OM. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) providing for reservation to Other Backward Classes in the services and posts under the Government of India. The format of the Caste Certificate was prescribed vide Annexure A of the O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 15th November 1993. In the said format, the then Ministry of Welfare’s Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10th September 1993 was mentioned, which contained the list of castes and communities treated as OBC’s till that time. Since then, a large number of castes and communities have been added to the Central List of OBCs through various resolutions of the Ministry of Social Jusiice and Empowerment. The details of the resolutions subsequent to the Resolution dated 10th September 1993 do not find mention in the existing format. The said format also prescribes that the certificate issuing authority should certify that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the aforesaid OM. dated 8.9.1993.

2. Representations have been received in this Department wherein candidates belonging to OBC Communities have reportedly faced difficulty in getting the benefits of reservation. This is because of the fact that in the caste certificate issued by the concerned district authorities, although the name of the caste/community is mentioned in the certificate, the specific resolution by which the said caste/community has been included in the Central List of  OBCs is not indicated.
3. Keeping in view such problems faced by the candidates, this issue was examined in consultation with the National Commission for Backward Classes and it has been decided to revise the existing format of OBC Caste Certificate. A copy of the revised format is enclosed(Anuexure). All the certificate issuing authorities are requested to invariably mention the details of the Resolution (Number and Date) by which the castec/community of the candidate has been included in the Central List of OBCs and also to ensure that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the aforesaid O.M. dated 8.9.1993 as amended from time to time.
4. I am to request that the revised format of the Certificate may please be brought to the notice of authorities under the State Governments/Union Territories who are empowered to issue the Caste Certificate.
Yours faithfully,
(Sandeep Mukherjee)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kurnari_______________son/daughter of _______________________of village/town in District/Division __________________________in the State/Union Territory____________________belongs to the __________________community which is recognised as a backward class under the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment’s Resolution No. _________________dated____________________*. Shri/Smt./Kumari ____ ______________ and/or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in the ____________________________ District/Division of the__________________________ State/Union Territory. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93 - Estt.(SCT)dated 8.9.1993.**
District Magistrate
Deputy Commissioner etc.
* - The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of
 Government of India, in which the caste of the candidate is mentioned as OBC.
** - As amended from time to time.
Note:- The term “Ordinarily” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950. 

NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report along with merger of dearness allowance

NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report to the Government along with the aspect of merger of dearness allowance with basic pay...
Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110 055
Affiliated to :
IndIan National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/2013/Pt.Ii
Dated: 29-05-2014

The Chairman,
Seventh Central Pay Commission,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,

Sub: Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg.

Ref: Seventh CPC’s D.O. No.7CPC/22/Meeting dated 12th May, 2014.
We express our sincere gratitude to the 7th CPC for extending invitation to the NFIR to take part in the inter-action meeting. As this being the first meeting of preliminary inter-action nature. NFIR submits certain facts briefly for appreciation. The Federation would, however submit detailed memorandum separately on various issues as well as the proposed pay structure for Railwaymen/ Women and the need for upward revision of various allowances, incentive etc.

NFIR is one of the major Federations in the railways functioning for the cause of rail workforce (serving & retired) and equally for the growth of Nation as well Railways since the last over six decades.
NFIR is one of the major constituents of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM). M. Raghavaiah, General Sccrctary/NFIR, is also the Leader of Staff Side/JCM.

Indian Railways is a unique and complex transportation system under the control of Central Government, serving the needs of people since the last more than 160 years. Indian Railways handle over 19,000 regular trains (Freight & Passenger) per day besides about 3000 special trains a day during various seasons. Its route kilometerage is 65,187.
During the year 2012-13, Indian Railways moved more than 1010 Metric Tonnes of freight traffic and joined as fourth member of the select Billion Tonne Club of USA, China and Russia. The operating ratio has been around 90% barring the 3 years period between 2005-06 & 2008. The Indian Railways incur losses as a result of fulfilling the social service obligations. The approximate loss on this account is around Rupees Twenty Thousand Crores per annum.

The railway employees perform duties for ensuring uninterrupted flow of services. They Work at over 7000 railway stations. Most work places do not have access to facilities and basic amenities for their living. The employees are compelled to work under the open sky and inclement weather conditions. They face hazards associated with the job environment, remoteness. inhospitable terrain etc.,
Although, railway employees are part of Central Government Employees, their nature of work, duties and responsibilities are uncommon and not comparable with any other system/industry. The staff who maintain railway tracks, rolling stock, signal/telecom network, train operations, trains planning, punctuality, safety are skillful and devoted to the system but however, these factors have not been given due weighage by successive Pay Commissions. The running staff i.e. Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots, Guards. operating staff, station masters, controllers etc.. perform their jobs facing many odds. They are expected lo perform duties even beyond the prescribed duty hours.
We may incidentally cite para 2.3 of the report of the Chairman, High Level Safety Review Committee headed by Dr.Anil Kakodkar submitted to the Railway Ministry. According tlo the said report the number of railway employees killed in the course of performing duties has been higher as can be seen from the following figures (period 2007—08 to 2011)
(a) Railwaymen1,6008,700
(b) Passenger/Public1,0192,110
(c) Unmanned Level Crossing723690
The nature of work, duties, responsibilities of railway staff justify grant of better pay structtire and other benefits treating the Railway Workforce as unique and not comparable with other Central Government employees. We shall explain the facts through our memorandum for consideration of Hon’ble 7th CPC.
As the NFIR is one of the major constituents of the JCM, our memorandum will be drafted and finalized after the submission of memorandum by JCM (Staff Side). In view of this, we request that we may be given time to submit our memorandum by 31st July, 20l4.
As the Hon’ble Pay Commission is aware that 1.3 million staff belonging to hundreds of caegories are working in the railways, we request that the Federation be given more slots in phases to facilitate us to explain the case of every important category cogently.
We may submit that the 6th  report, more particularly the concept of Grade Pay and Pay Band had generated many anomalies. This led to dis-satisfaction among different categories of railway employees. These anomalies are yet to be rectified by the Government. The proposals of Railway Ministry on 6th CPC issues are pending with Finance Ministry. MACPS aberrations have also been very large in number. Our efforts at the level of Railway Ministry as well Ministry of Personnel/MoF have not yielded positive result.
We hope that the Seventh Central Pay Commission would look into these issues in a realistic manner for mitigating the injustice caused to staff.
Honhle Pay Commission may kindly appreciate that the Dearness Allowance (D.A.) has become 100% of pay w.e.f. 01/01/2014. This scenario was never anticipated by the 6th CPC. It may however be appreciated that in the past, the Government had merged DA with pay when it crossed 50% (In the year 2004). We are expecting 6% DA w.e.f. July 1, 2014, thus the DA% would be 106% of pay in July, 2014.
We therefore, request the Hon’ble Pay Commission to kindly consider this aspect for sending interim report to the Government recommending merger.
NFIR assures its co-operation to the Pay Commission by way providing facts and material & equally hopes that this Pay Commission would render justice to the Railway employees.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary/NFIR
Forwarded to the Affiliated Unions of NFIR. lt was explained very effectively the uniqueness and uncommon working of the rail work force justifying different pay package. Speciai thrust was DA merger. The response has been positive.
Source: NFIR

NFIR writes to Finance Minister to merge 50% of Dearness allowance with basic pay - 28.05.2014

NFIR writes to Finance Minister to merge 50% of Dearness allowance with basic pay - 28.05.2014

On 28th May 2014, NFIR General Secretary writes to new Finance Minister Shri. Arun Jaitley to consider the huge anticipated demand of merging dearness allowance with basic pay for Central Government employees and Pensioners...
The letter is reproduced and given below for your ready reference...
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110 055

Affiliated to :
IndIan National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

Dated: 28/05/2014

Sh. Arun Jaitley
Hon’ble Minister for Finance,
Government of India,
North Block
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay-reg.
While enclosing copy of Federation’s letter No. 1/5(A) dated 27/09/2013, NFIR desires to bring to your kind notice, the following facts for consideration.
2. In the Standing Committee meeting held under the chairmanship of the Secretary DoP&T, on 7th May 2014, the agenda item pertaining to merger of D.A. with pay was discussed by the JCM/Staff Side representatives. There has, however, been no positive response from the Official Side on the issue probably the VII CPC has started working on the terms of reference.
3. Now that the D.A. has become 100% of pay w.e.f. 01/01/2014 and another instalment of D.A. @ 6% of pay is likely to be granted by the Government w.e.f. 01/07/2014 as per the figures of Consumer Price Index, continuing D.A., without merger, is highly unjustified. In the past i.e. during the year 2004, the Government of India had merged 50% DA with pay for all purposes. Similar decision has, unfortunately, not been taken by the previous Government.
4. Seventh Central Pay Commission has already sent communications to JCM constituent organisations etc.. to submit Memorandums. At this juncture, it would be proper to convey to the Chairman, 7th CPC to consider the JCM (Staff Side) demand for merger of DA with pay with retrospective effect and send interim report to the Government for consideration.
NFIR, therefore, requests you to kindly consider our request and see that the Government makes reference to 7th CPC to consider DA merger with pay and to send its interim report to the Government for favourable consideration.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the 7th CPC - AIRF

Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the 7th CPC - AIRF
(Estd, 1924)
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Dated: May 28, 2014
The Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Coms.,
Sub: Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the VII CPC 
On the invitation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission for having Preliminary Interaction with All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), a delegation of the AIRF, comprising of Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President AIRF, Com. Ch. Sankara Rao, Asstt. General Secretary AIRF and Com. J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer AIRF, met today, i.e. 28th May, 2014, the Seventh Central Pay Commission(Hon’ble Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, Chairman, Shri Vivek Rae, Member, Dr. Rathin Roy, Member and Ms Meena Agarwal, Secretary, Seventh Central Pay Commission) in Hotel Janpath(Camp Office of the VII CPC), New Delhi.
The following points were raised by the AIRF before the VII CPC:-  

(i) Extension and improvement in Railway Services 
(ii) Safety & Training 
(iii) Wages, Dearness Allowance and Other Allowances 
(iv) Living Wage 
(v) Interim Relief 
(vi) Merger of Dearness Allowance 
It was asserted by the AIRF that the Railwaymen are Industrial Workers and are governed by the Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act and Hours of Employment Regulations etc.
It was stressed by the AIRF that, out of 7,000 railway stations, over 6,000 are road side stations where staff are bereft of all civic facilities like housing, electricity, drinking water, sanitation, medical facilities etc., and the education of their children suffers.
Indian Railways run 19,000 trains daily and additional train services are being introduced without developing
infrastructure and adding manpower, rather manpower is being reduced day-by-day. In spite of all impediments, there has been tremendous improvement in carrying goods traffic and passenger services.
AIRF further stressed that, the Railwaymen are working round-the-clock in all weathers and arduous conditions, even sacrificing their lives to keep the lifeline of the nation(Indian Railways) in operation. On the one hand it used to be said that we(the Railwaymen), are the second line of defence, on the other, when the issue of Wage Structure and Allowances comes, the Railwaymen always get raw-deal, saying, they are “Common Categories”. Quoting examples of the Running Staff, Technician, Technical Supervisor, Operating & Commercial Staff, AIRF asked, where we are common? The VII CPC agreed that they would definitely look into these aspects while deciding wages and allowances of the Railwaymen.
It was impressed upon to the Seventh Central Pay Commission that AIRF would lead broad categories/ departments’ representation to VII CPC during oral evidence.
It was also stressed that the Seventh Central Pay Commission should consider the matter of granting Interim Relief as well as merger of Dearness Allowance with the Pay.
The Members of the Pay Commission, mainly the Chairman himself, interacted with AIRF’s representatives. The Pay Commission gave patient hearing and assured that they could understand the complexity and gravity of the Railway Industry, devotion and dutifulness of the Railwaymen and would try to administer justice to the Railwaymen by way of their recommendations.
Thereafter, representatives of the Staff Side, National Council (JCM), lead by Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council(JCM), along with Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, Com. Ch. Sankara Rao and Com. J.R. Bhosale, Members, Standing Committee, NC/JCM/AIRF, held discussions with the VII CPC.
The issues of Fixation of Wages, allowances and the matters of Anomalies of VI CPC, Scrapping of New Pension Scheme, Promotional Policy, General Grade Structure along with the demands of Interim Relief and Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Pay were raised by the Staff Side, NC/JCM. Apart from AIRF representatives, in the delegation, Coms. M. Raghavaiah, Guman Singh, S.N. Pathak, S.K. Vyas, Sri Kumar, K.K.N. Kutty and B.C. Sharma were also present on the occasion.
The Chairman, VII CPC, on persistent demand of the Staff Side, NC/JCM, suggested that the Staff Side can submit separate Memorandum on Interim Relief and Merger of Dearness Allowance, so that VII CPC can seek necessary advice from the Government, as to how to deal with these issues since there has been no specific reference in the matter from the Government to VII CPC on these subjects.
It was decided that detailed memorandum on behalf of Staff Side, National Council(JCM) should be submitted by 30th June 2014, and all the departments, like Railways and others should submit their memorandum by 15th July, 2014.
This is for your information and giving wide circulation amongst all sections of the Railwaymen.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: AIRF

AIRF – Preliminary submission to the 7th Pay Commission

AIRF – Preliminary submission to the 7th Pay Commission

Preliminary submission to the VII CPC 
(Estd, 1924)
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Dated: May 28, 2014
Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur,
Seventh Central Pay Commission,
New Delhi
Dear Sir
Sub: Preliminary submission to the VII CPC 
I, on behalf of 13 lakh Railwaymen, welcome you and the Members of the VII CPC, would like to submit the following as a preliminary step towards our approach and expectations from the VII CPC.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) was established in the year 1924, and the leadership of this federation was heralded by the eminent personalities like Shri V.V. Giri, who was one of the founder members of the AIRF and was the General Secretary of the AIRF for long 10 years from 1927-37. Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan was the President of this federation from 1947-57. Last President of the AIRF was Shri Umraomal Purohit, from 1980 to till his death in February 2014. He was also Secretary, Staff Side, National Council(JCM) since 1977.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) participated in the Independent struggle. It also saved Railway Industry from economic depression of 1930 and faced other challenging tasks at different times.
Railwaymen are the second line of defence, and during 1962 Chinese aggression, 1965 Pakistan War and 1999 Kargil War etc., Railwaymen stood firm in the duty post and carried out army and the necessary equipments to war front.
During natural calamities, like floods, earthquake etc., the Railwaymen transport necessary helps to the victims, and in far-flung areas in the country for conducting smooth elections. The Railwaymen run thousands of Special Trains, and during the 16th Lok Sabha elections, Indian Railways run 5,000 Special Trains in addition to split coaches for ferrying security personnel and election materials.
The Railways is a common man’s transport, cheaper than other modes of transport as also eco-friendly. The Indian Railways is the symbol of national integrity.
The Railways generate resources, internally also to a substantial quantity. The Railways is having 16 Railway Zones, 06 Production Units and Metro Rail, Kolkata(a new Railway Zone).
Comparative Statement of improvement in productivity of the Railwaymen is as under:-

2005-6 2012-13 Variation
Net Ton Kilometer (Million) 441762 641849 + 45.29
Passenger Kilometer (Million) 615634 1098103 + 78.37
Staff Strength (In Thousands) 1412.4 1287.3 (-) 8.86%

Traffic Unit for 1000 employees*, which is an indicator of improvement is as follows:-

2000-2001 2011-12
535 1408
*Traffic Unit represents Passenger Kilometer and NTKM
Indian Railways working is of belt system. It is not an individual’s performance, but collective efforts of all sections of the Railwaymen, which represents improvement in the performance.
Safety gets paramount importance in the working of the Indian Railways. Unfortunately, new trains are being
introduced as per the demands, but without increasing line capacity, rolling stock and manpower. Rather manpower is decreasing violating the provision of the Hours of Employment. A committee in respect of Working Hours etc. of the Railwaymen was appointed by the Ministry of Railways, which had submitted its report to the Railway Board in August 2013, but unfortunately, no decision has yet been taken on the report of the said committee despite repeated representations. National average for training is 2% of the total expenditure, but the Railways spent only 0.50%.
Railwaymen are the Industrial Workers and govern under the Industrial Disputes Act and Hours of Employment & Regulations, framed under the Railway Act and Factory Act.
There are more than 7,000 railway stations, of them over 6,000 are road side stations. Large-number of stations are in the forest and terrorist infested areas. Staff working at the roadside stations are bereft of housing, potable water, sanitation, medical aid, and children education is a far cry.
Railwaymen work round the clock, and they have to remain vigilant all the 24 hours in 365 days. A committee was appointed on the Safety of the Railways under the chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kakodkar. Para 2.3 of the said report is cited below:-

Killed Injured
Railwaymen 1,600 8,700
Passenger/Public 1,019 2,118
(Unmanned Level Crossing) 723 690
The wages of the Railwaymen are low in comparison to the workers of the PSUs. This has been constantly agitating the minds of the Railwaymen.
1st to 7th CPC appointed only after the series of agitations, submission of Charter of Demands or after the Strike Notice.
AIRF had to launch country-wide strike against anti-labour report of the 2nd CPC in the year 1960 and against the report of the 3rd CPC(20-day long 1974 strike).
LIVING WAGE was propagated by the 1st CPC as back as 1946-47. It has been embodied in the Article 43 of the Constitution of our country, wherein directive principles have been enshrined. Unfortunately, the same is yet to be achieved after 66 years of the Independence and 62 years of adoption of the Constitution.
The 4th CPC in para 7.32 of its report at page 85 had recommended periodical revision/review of wages through bilateral negotiations.
Railwaymen need separate consideration in respect of wages, allowance and other benefits. This matter was
agitated before the VI CPC also, and the VI CPC in para 7.36.100 of its report had observed as follows:-
“Various Railway Federations have demanded a special dispensation for Railway employees keeping in view the profitability of their organization. The demand is not without substance especially as employees have to be rewarded for efficient performance of the entire organization that has yielded continuous profits without resorting to any substantial increase in the passenger/freight fares in the recent years. A separate dispensation in terms of pay scales and allowances is not, however, possible, as long as the organization continues to be a Ministry in the Central Government because it will then need to be governed by the common pay scales and allowances for the entire Central Government. In such a scenario, the optimal solution would be corporatization of Indian Railways as a Public Sector Enterprise. This would allow the Railways flexibility in determining its own compensation package”.
The Staff Side, National Council(JCM) Standing Committee, had a discussion with the Government on Terms of Reference of the VII CPC on 24.10.2013 and requested to have another round of discussions in the matter, but unfortunately the government issued the said ToR unilaterally, which was protested by the Staff Side, NC/JCM. A meeting of the Standing Committee of NC/JCM was also held on 07.05.2014, wherein the issue of Interim Relief and merger of Dearness Allowance were again raised.
It may be mentioned here that, Interim Relief was recommended by the 3rd CPC, and the 4th CPC had recommended two Interim Relief. Before appointment of the V CPC, discussions were held on different dates in September 1993 with the Cabinet Secretary, when an Interim Relief of Rs.100 p.m. to Group `C’ and `D’ employees was sanctioned prior to appointment of V CPC and subsequently V CPC had recommended two Interim Relief. Interim Relief requires to bridge the gap of erosion in the real wage during interregnum period.
25% Dearness Allowance was merged in the Pay after series of negotiation with the Cabinet Secretary in September 1993.
The V CPC in its report had also recommended merger of Dearness Allowance when it crosses 50%, and the same was done.
It is necessary to point out here that the inflation trend prevailing during 01.01.1996 to 31.12.2005 and from 01.01.2006 to 01.01.2004 inflation was 74%, whereas from 01.01.2006 to 01.01.2011, it was 51%, and further raised to 100% on 01.01.2014.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source : AIRF



Eligibility for promotion : – It is necessary to fix suitable standards for promotion from one grade to another, including minimum length of service in the lower grade. As far as possible, the minimum length of service in the lower grade prescribed as a condition for promotion to the higher grade should not markedly be different from that prescribed by other Departments for promotion to similar grades involving the same nature of duties and responsibilities.
The qualifying service for promotion from one grade to another is necessary so that there is no premature promotion or undue jump in pay and also to ensure that the officer has sufficient opportunity to demonstrate his competence/potential for holding the higher post. The period of qualifying service varies from post to post depending upon the scale of pay and the experience, required for manning the higher post. Broadly, the following qualifying service for promotion from one grade to another may be followed:
Field of Promotion
From Grade Pay 
 (in Rs.)
To Grade Pay
 (in Rs.)
Qualifying Service 
(in years)
1800 1900 3 Years
1900 2000 3 Years
1900 2400 8 Years
2000 2400 5 Years
2400 2800 5 Years
2400 4200 10 Years
2800 4200 6 Years
4200 4600 5 Years
4200 4800 6 Years
4200 5400 8 Years
4200 6600 10 Years
4600 4800 2 Years
4600 5400 3 Years
4600 6600 7 Years
4800 5400 2 Years
4800 6600 6 Years
5400 6600 5 Years
6600 7600 5 Years
6600 8700 10 Years
7600 8700 5 Years
7600 8900 6 Years
8700 8900 2 Years
8700 10000 3 Years
8900 10000 2 Years
10000 HAG 3 Years
HAG HAG+Scale 1 Year
HAG Apex scale 2 Years
HAG+Scale Apex scale 1 Year


Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims - Confederation

Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims - Confederation

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi -110001 
Ref: CONFD/GENL/2014

Dated : 28-05-2014
The Secretary 
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Expenditure 
North Block, New Delhi
Sub: Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims.
At present the monetary ceiling for sanctioning medical claims is restricted to Rs.2 lakhs for Head of the Department. The Internal finance division is delegated for the sanction of medical claims above two lakhs to five lakhs. Now a days the medical  treatment has become too costly. The claims above two lakhs are increasing and accumulating at Internal finance division of the various Departments/Ministries.
Hence, it is requested to enhance the monetary limit for sanction of medical claims as per the prescribed list to five lakhs from the present two lakhs to the Head of the Department.
A line in reply is highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully, 
Secretary General




As per the request of the JCM National Council Staff side, 7th Central Pay Commission has granted extension of time upto 15.07.2014 (15th July 2014) for submission of memorandum by individual organizations other than JCM staff side. The following is the revised time schedule (Last date).

1.  JCM National Council Staff side                :  30.06.2014

2.  All other Federations/Unions/Associations  :  15.07.2014

JCM National Council Staff side will be submitting a common memorandum before 30.06.2014 on the common demands of the Central Government Employees. The Copy of the JCM Staff side memorandum will be placed in the website.

All affiliated organizations of the Confederation are requested to prepare their sectional memorandum well in advance and be ready to submit it before 15.07.2014 to the 7th CPC. New Pay scales demanded by the JCM Staff side will be available in the common memorandum of the JCM Staff side.

Confederation National Secretariat meeting will be held on 31.05.2014 at ITEF Head Quarters (Rajouri Garden) at 2 PM as already notified to finalise the common memorandum. (Please note the time change from 11 AM to 2 PM). All National Secretariat members are requested to attend the meeting.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians

Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians
Important Circular


No. Pay/IV/Med/7007/Ord
Dt. 23.05.2014
The Officer-In-Charge

Sub:- Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians
During the audit of Medical Claims pertaining to your office some shortcomings have been noticed to your office which are appended below.
1. The medical claims are submitted along with the Hospital Bills without PAN,TIN,TAN printed on the Bills.
2, The claims/treatments of Emergency nature are submitted without any assessment from the Addition A Director of the concerned CGHS cities.
3. Most of the claims of more than RS,2 lacs are forwarded to this office without necessary permission from the HOD, New Delhi/Ministry of Hearth and Welfare, New Delhi.
4.The Medical claims are submitted in a casual nature without enclosing the BHT sheet duly verified by the treating doctor
5.. CGHS Hospitals are not giving 10% discount on every cash payment.
To avoid the return of the medical claims repeatedly and inconvenience faced by the individuals the o I/C of the units/formations you are advised to rectify the shortcomings before forwarding the claims to this office. And it has been decided by the competent authority that the units/formations may liaise with hospitals of the concerned cities for bills/documents bearing printed PAN,TAN,TIN(wherever applicable). It has also been decided that no medical claims will be entertained w.e.f 01/07/2014 if printed PAN,TIN TAN(where applicable) are not embossed on the bilis.
Please acknowledge receipt.

Accounts Officer

Unions and Associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC

 Unions and Associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC

The sheer pace of the 7th CPC has impressed the central Government employees so much that their expectations have started to grow.
It has come to our knowledge that a number of unions and associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC. It is also well known that on behalf of the National Council JCM Staff Side, the questionnaire had already been filled with the approval of all members and has been sent.
There is no uniform pay scale or promotion hierarchy for the Central Government employees. The departments functioning under each Ministry are evaluated separately. Promotions and pay scales are decided based on the post/category of the employees in each of those departments. Based on these segregations, the employee unions/associations of each department are preparing their Memorandums containing their demands and issues.

Various unions and associations of each of these departments are currently preparing their own memorandums to send to the 7th CPC. These memorandums also contain their long-standing demands and expectations.
It can be inferred that these memorandums, prepared by various associations of employees starting with Group ‘C’, right up to the Gazetted Officers Association, reflect their thoughts and demands.
Pensioners Associations are also participating in this in large numbers. It shows the fact that they believe that their requirements will be fulfilled by this Pay Commission.
The 7th Pay Commission is offering this rare opportunity that was not given in the previous Pay Commissions. Each issue has a number of different perspectives. This could lead to a consensus-based decision that appeases all. It is a healthy trend to watch so many people vying with each other to present their opinions and suggestions.
There is special curiosity and eagerness to read the Memorandums of some of the important Central Government and railway employee federations.
Given below are the links to some of the most prominent Central Government employee unions and associations:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Promotion from Group ‘B' to Group ‘A’, after CR

CBEC Cadre Restructuring: Chairperson's Note regarding promotion from Gp "B" to Gp "A" after CR

Chairperson's note dated 26.05.2014 regarding Promotion from Group 'B' to Group ' A' , after CR:-


J.M. Shanti Sundharam
Special Secretary & Chairman
D.O. No. F5/1/2014-CH(EC)
26th May, 2014
Dear Colleagues,
Sub: Promotion from Group ‘B' to Group ‘A’, after CR.

In my previous message dated 19.5.2014, at step No. VII, I had referred to the work relating to promotions of 2,118 officers from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’. The Board has since reviewed the work of Committee No. II, Sub-Committee No.1, which is looking after this task, along with the officers from the Ad.II Sections of the CBEC and DG, HRD.

2. After obtaining the tentative consideration zone and the All India seniority list of Superintendents/ Superintendents(P)/ Appraisers from the DG, HRD in December, the Sub-Committee No.1 has obtained around 5000 folders from the various CCAs. Individual folders for each of the eligible officers has been prepared containing the ACRs/APARs for the preceding 5 years. Work is in progress for ensuring that CR/APAR folder is up-to-date which would include availability of vigilance status, integrity certificates, penalty statements (where necessary) availability of part period ACR/APAR, if any, in a particular financial year, completion of action in respect of ‘Below Bench Mark’ cases, No Report/No Review certificates, additional ACRs/APARs in he last mentioned types of cases, etc. Check List has been maintained in respect of each folder. Review of the work revealed that there are 256 dossiers from eight CCAs which are yet to be sent:-

Sl. No.Cadre Controlling Zone/CommissionerateNo. of Dossiers
1.Kolkata Central Excise96
2.Delhi Central Excise54
3.Allahabad Central Excise52
4.Mumbai-I Central Excise37
5.Chandigarh Central Excise12
6.Vadodara Central Excise5
7/8.Bhopal & Indore Central Excise4

3. Though Member (P&N) has been contacting the above mentioned CCAs, it would be appreciated if the Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officers Associations if these zones take up the matter of ensuring that the missing dossiers are forwarded to the Committee without delay. The Sub-Committee has moved forward with the action for completion of the dossiers and same is expected to be completed shortly. However, it is reiterate that unless the pending dossiers are also received and the same rigorous scrutiny done, we would not be in a position to  move the UPSC for obtaining a date for DPC. All CCAs are, therefore, requested ti bestow personal attention in the matter and‘ the Associations re also requested to coordinate with the administration
in this regard

4. At the level of Ad.II Section in CBEC, necessary action is being taken for de ling with all representations received from individuals as also from Associations. The Ad.II Section will also be providing to the DG, HRD the number of carry forward / backlog vacancies which require to be filled so that the same can be included in the DPC proposal. he Ad.II will send the vetted list of the zone of consideration to the Sub-Committee to enable them to properly identify the dossiers required for the DPC. Once the dossiers are completed and forwarded by the Sub-Committee, the same will have to be completely vetted again before being certified by the appropriate authority in Ad.II and submission to the UPSC through the single window.

5. . I would again emphasise that existence of complete and correct dossiers is necessary before the proposal for DPC can be sent to UPSC. Therefore, I could request all CCAs and Associations to ensure that the action, a required at the zonal level, is expedited. It is evident that delay b even one zone would put in jeopardy the legitimate aspirations rid expectations of the officers of remaining zones. Therefore, I look forward to a coordinated and quick response from you.
Best wishes,
(J.M. Shanti Sundharam)


Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance

Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
27-May-2014 16:32 IST

Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance

The newly appointed Union Minister of Finance, Shri Arun Jaitely assumed charge of his office here today.

After assuming the charge, the Finance Minister was briefed on the key initiatives and policy issues by the Secretaries of the different departments of the Ministry of Finance.

The Finance Minister also held a meeting with the senior officials of the Ministry to have a first hand information regarding the ongoing issues and the forthcoming challenges facing the Indian economy among others.

Later during his brief media interaction, the Finance Minister Shri Jaitely said that his priorities would be to tackle inflation, boost economic growth and follow the path of fiscal consolidation among others.

Source: PIB News

President appoints Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and Ministers of State

President appoints Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and Ministers of State

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
President's Secretariat 

26-May-2014 22:20 IST

President appoints Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and Ministers of State

The President of India has appointed Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi as the Prime Minister of India. Further, as advised by the Prime Minister, the President has appointed the following as members of the Council of Ministers.
(Updated news...)

The President of India, as advised by the Prime Minister, has directed the allocation of portfolios among the following members of the Union Council of Ministers :-

1 Shri Narendra Modi 
Prime Minister
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Atomic Energy
Department of Space
All important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any Minister


1 Shri Raj Nath Singh Home Affairs
2 Smt. Sushma Swaraj External Affairs
Overseas Indian Affairs
3 Shri Arun Jaitley Finance
Corporate Affairs  Defence
4 Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Urban Development
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
Parliamentary Affairs
5 Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari Road Transport and
Highways Shipping
6 Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda Railways
7 Sushri Uma Bharati Water Resources,
River Development and
Ganga Rejuvenation
8 Dr. Najma A. Heptulla Minority Affairs
9 Shri Gopinathrao Munde Rural Development
Panchayati Raj
Drinking Water and Sanitation
10 Shri Ramvilas Paswan Consumer Affairs,
Food and Public Distribution
11 Shri Kalraj Mishra Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
12 Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi Women and Child Development
13 Shri Ananthkumar Chemicals and Fertilizers
14 Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Communications and Information Technology
Law and Justice
15 Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati Civil Aviation
16 Shri Anant Geete Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
17 Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal Food Processing Industries
18 Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Mines
Labour and Employment
19 Shri Jual Oram Tribal Affairs
20 Shri Radha Mohan Singh Agriculture
21 Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot Social Justice and Empowerment
22 Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani Human Resource Development
23 Dr. Harsh Vardhan Health and Family Welfare


1 General V.K. Singh Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge)
External Affairs
Overseas Indian Affairs
2 Shri Inderjit Singh Rao Planning (Independent Charge)
Statistics and Programme Implementation (Independent Charge)
3 Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar Textiles (Independent Charge)
Parliamentary Affairs
Water Resources,
River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
4 Shri Shripad Yesso Naik Culture (Independent Charge)
Tourism (Independent Charge)
5 Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Petroleum and Natural Gas (Independent Charge)
6 Shri Sarbananda Sonowal Skill Development,
Youth Affairs and Sports (Independent Charge)
7 Shri Prakash Javadekar Information and Broadcasting (Independent Charge) Environment,
Forest and Climate Change (Independent Charge)
Parliamentary Affairs
8 Shri Piyush Goyal Power (Independent  Charge)
Coal (Independent Charge)
New and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge)
9. Dr. Jitendra Singh Science and Technology (Independent Charge)
Earth Sciences (Independent Charge)
Prime Minister Office Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Atomic Energy
Department of Space
10 Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Commerce and Industry (Independent Charge)
Finance Corporate Affairs
11 Shri G.M. Siddeshwara Civil Aviation
13 Shri Nihalchand Chemicals and Fertilizers
14 Shri Upendra Kushwaha Rural Development Panchayati Raj Drinking Water and Sanitation
15 Shri Radhakrishnan P Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
16 Shri Kiren Rijiju Home Affairs
17 Shri Krishan Pal Road Transport and Highways Shipping
18 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan Agriculture Food Processing Industries
19 Shri Mansukhbhai Dhanjibhai Vasava Tribal Affairs
20 Shri Raosaheb Dadarao Danve Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
21 Shri Vishnu Deo Sai Mines Steel Labour and Employment
22 Shri Sudarshan Bhagat Social Justice and Empowerment

Source: PIB News

Monday, May 26, 2014

CHARACTER OF POSTS : Ministerial or Non- Ministerial

CHARACTER OF POSTS : Ministerial or Non- Ministerial

Character of Posts of Ministerial or Non- Ministerial, Tenure posts, Gazetted and Non-Gazetted and Industrial& Non-Industrial...
Ministerial or non- ministerial 
Ministerial servant means a Government servant of a subordinate service whose duties are entirely clerical, and any other class of servant specifically defined as such by general or specific order of a local government. Local government does not include a Chief Commissioner. FR 9(17) 

(a) Those member of Group B service whose duties are predominantly clerical shall be called as 
(b) Having regard to the nature of the duties attached to them, the posts of Private Secretary to Secretaries and Joint Secretaries should be classified as ‘Ministerial’. 
(c) Unless already classified, all new posts should be classified into ‘Ministerial’. 
(d) Posts of Senior Gestetner Operator are to be classified as ‘Ministerial’ 
(e) All proposals regarding classification of posts as ‘Ministerial’ or ‘non-Ministerial’ should be referred to the Department of Personnel & Training who will, where necessary consult UPSC. 

Industrial& Non-Industrial
Such of the staff who come within the meaning of ‘Workmen’ for the purposes of the Industrial Disputes Act. 1964, as amended from time to time, should be classified as ‘Industrial employees’. 
Tenure posts 
Tenure post means a permanent post which an individual Government servant may not hold for more than a limited period. In case of doubt, the Central Government may decide whether a particular post is not a tenure post. FR 9(30A).
The Union Public Service Commission should be consulted before classifying a post, whether permanent or temporary, as a tenure post. 

(i) Group A posts and Group B non-ministerial and executive posts should ordinarily be 
(ii) Group B ministerial posts may be given gazetted status only on very special considerations, such 
(a) The officer already had gazetted status before appointment. 
(b) The officer has commissioned or gazetted officers under his orders. 
(c) The officer performs duties of a technical character requiring special qualifications. 
(d) The office is periodically left in charge of the office during the absence of his superior on tour and 
has to dispose of business and to deal with gazetted officers or businessmen/ on behalf of his 
(iii) Group C posts to be treated as a rule, as non-gazetted. 
All newly created posts, whether permanent or temporary, should be classified, as soon as created in consultation with Department of Personnel & Training 
The instruction for the conferment of ex-officio secretariat status on officers holding non-secretariat posts are contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 17/7/65-Estt(A) dated 16th November, 1967. According to these instructions, Secretariat status is necessary only for those officers who: 
(a) sign communication, orders or notifications on behalf of Government. 
(b) within the limits of the Rules of Business or secretariat Instructions, take decision on behalf of 
Whatever there is a departure from the conditions stated at (a) and (b) above; the ex-officio status would lapse with the transfer/retirement of the present incumbent. 
The conferment of ex-officio secretariat status on any non-Secretariat officer does not add to the status of the post held by him.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Railway Board Order: List of various allowance enhanced 25% from 01.01.2014

Railway Board Order: List of various allowance enhanced 25% from 01.01.2014

Railway Board Order for Enhancement in the rate of various allowances again by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2014 & List of Allowance enhanced:-


RBE No. 50/2014
No. E(PA)I-2014/SP-1/GenL. 2
New Delhi, dated 19.05.2014.
The General Managers/FA & CAOs,
All Indian Railways/Production Units.

 Sub: Enhancement in the rate of various allowances again by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2014

In accordance with The recommendations of VI CPC, the rates of various allowances admissible to different categories of railway staff were doubled.  The VI CPC while making recommendations in this regard had also recommended that the rates of these Allowances will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance goes up by 50%. Railway Board accordingly issued instructions in respect of various allowances listed in the enclosed Annexure.

2. Consequent upon the enhancement in the rate of Dearness Allowance to 51% from 01.01.2011 it was reiterated vide Board's letter No. No. E(P&A)I-2011/SP-1/Misc.1 dated 13.06.2011 that the rates of allowances shall increase by 25%.

3. Therate of Dearness Allowance has now been enhanced to 100% w.e.f 01.01.2014.  In order to dispel any doubts that may arise in the Railways, it is clarified that the rates of allowance listed in the enclosed Annexure shall again increase by 25% (on original VI CPC rates prescribed by Ministry of Railways) with Dearness Allowance now again having gone up ;by 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2014

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. There is no change in the other terms and conditions for grant of these allowances.

6. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(K. Shankar),
Direfior Estt.(P&A)
Railway Bayard.

S.No. Name of Allowance
  1.     National Holiday Allowance
  2.     Special Allowance to Gate Keepers of Civil Engineering Level Crossings
  3.     Night Patrolling Allowance
  4.     Uniform Allowance, Nursing Allowance & Washing Allowance for Nursing Staff
  5.     Uniform Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance & Washing Allowance (RPF/SRPF Group "A")
  6.     Special Allowance to various categories of staff:- (i) Health & Malaria Inspectors (ii) Commercial Staff in-charge of Flag Stations (iii) Teachers doing Library work (iv) Announcers - ECRCs/Comml. Clerks/TCs (v) Train Supdts/Dy. Trains Supdts. of Rajdhani Train (vi) Stewards (Dy. Train Supdt.) of Rajdhani Trains (vii) CTIs/TTEs working in HQ Flying Squad (viii) Cook/Cook mate (ix) Sr. Scale, JA Grades & SA Grade Officers entrust with the Administrative control of Hindi works
  7.     Post Graduate and Annual Allowance to Medical Officers
  8.     Breakdown Allowance to (a) Helper Gr.II/Helper Gr.I/Other Gr.'D' Staff (b) Technician Gr.III (c) Technicians Gr.II/Technicians Gr. I/Supervisors (erstwhile Mistry) (d) Sr. Technicians/Junior Engineers and staff in higher scales
  9.     Risk Allowance to eligible unskilled staff on railways
  10.     Special Allowance to staff working in Central Ticket Checking Squad
  11.     Special Allowance to Track Maintainer deployed for manning any of the Engineering Gates

Source: AIRF

Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014

Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014
 No.12/15/2014-JCA 2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 23rd May, 2014

Sub: Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014

In connection with arrangements for the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014, it has been decided that the Government offices located in the North Block, South Block and Hutments would be closed early at 13:00 hrs. on 26th May, 2014 (Monday).

2. Hindi version will follow.

(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)


Friday, May 23, 2014

Why is Annual Increment denied to employees retiring in June?

Why is Annual Increment denied to employees retiring in June?

Until 01.01.2006, the date of implementing employee’s annual increment was fixed on the basis of his/her date of appointment or promotion option. After the 6th CPC, it was decided that 1st July of each year would be the uniform date of implementation of annual increment for all Central Government employees.

Employees who are appointed after January 1st are not eligible for that year’s annual increment on July 1. They qualify for annual increment only the next year.

The revised pay rules said that “If an employee is on leave or is availing joining time on the 1st of July, the benefit of annual increment in pay will be drawn only from the date on which he resumes duty and not from the first of July. Each year, employees who retire in the month of June are not given the annual increment of the year since they do not report to work on 1st July. Only those employees who resume duty on July 1st are eligible to receive the annual increment. Or, the day they report back to work is taken as the date for implementing the annual increment. Since there are no possibilities for the retired employees to return to work, they are not considered as qualified to receive the annual increment.

The revised pay rules states that only those who have been receiving the same basic pay continuously for 6 months are considered as qualified for annual increment. According to the another rule of qualification for increment, the person should have complete one year in service after receiving the annual increment. Therefore, despite being qualified, these employees are denied their annual increment.

There is an order that states that those who retire on July 1st should complete the retirement formalities in the month of June.

Instead of strictly looking into such technicalities, it would be a nice gesture on the part of the Government to extend the benefits of annual increment to those senior employees too who retire from service in the month of June.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Expected DA- Status, as of March 2014

Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2014 for Central Govt Employees and Pensioners...

Expected DA- Status, as of March 2014

Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2014 : This time there is a considerable slackening in the pace of the expected DA. It looks as if there are plenty of reasons for it.
As of March, the AICPIN has increased by one point and is at 239. The rapid increase in Consumer Price Index (IW) has been brought under control now. Election is believed to be one of the reasons for it. Since price rise and inflation are under control, there is not much of an increase in All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. With a fall in the prices of essential commodities, the AICPIN points have actually reduced.

Another reason is the reduction of AICPIN by 4 points in December 2013. The Consumer Price Index, which was steadily rising till then, slumped by 4 points. It wasn’t much of a shock then because the Additional DA for the month of January 2014 increased by 10% and had touched 100%.

The All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers Base Year 2001=100, which was at 243, fell by 4 points to end up at 239. It again fell by 2 points to touch 237, thus dampening the expectations surrounding the next additional Dearness Allowance announcements. It looks highly unlikely that the AICPIN would rise by 4 points to return to its previous levels.
To calculate the additional DA for July 2014 based on your expected or desired AICPIN points, click the link given below:
We are of the opinion that there will not be much of a change in what we had said last time(Expected da from Jul 14 - Feb)
The table given below will easily explain you why…
(IW) Base Year 2001=100
Decreased Points
Total Points Increased Total of 12 Months 12 Months Average % Increase over 115.763 Approximate DA Total DA % DA%
Increase Month wise
Jan-132212 2535211.2595.4982.49822
Feb-132232 2559213.2597.4984.22844
Mar-132241 2582215.1799.4185.87855
Apr-132262 2603216.92101.1687.38877
May-132282 2625218.75102.9988.97888
Jul-132354 2671222.58106.8292.28922
Aug-132372 2694224.5108.7493.93933
Sep-132381 2717226.42110.6695.59955
Oct-132413 2741228.42112.6697.32977
Nov-132432 2766230.5114.7499.12999
Jan-14237-2 2802233.5117.74101.711011
Feb-142381 2817234.75118.99102.791022

‘Expected DA from July 2014’ completed its third step..!


Booking of Retiring Rooms through railtourismindia website now...

Booking of  Retiring Rooms through railtourismindia website now...

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways

21-May-2014 14:21 IST

Computerised Booking of Retiring Rooms on Indian Railways

Indian Railways provides lodging facility through retiring rooms to its passengers at stations spread across the country. The Retiring Room Application has been developed to computerize the booking of retiring rooms at the railway stations.

At present, booking of retiring rooms has been computerized at 67 stations. The Rooms can be booked on computer terminals placed at these stations as well as on internet through the website Currently, booking / cancellation, up-gradation and extension are available in the retiring room application.

Some of the basic features of retiring room application are given below:-
•         The Rooms can be booked in advance (up to 60 days) through internet as well as on terminals at stations,
•         Based on the booked PRS ticket PNR No. at the Source and Destination stations.
•         The facility of booking of retiring room is available only on Confirmed and RAC tickets.
•         The Rooms can be booked  2 days in advance based on UTS tickets, Railway Passes and other travel authorities only on terminals at stations.
The list of computerised Retiring Room locations for bookings through internet and terminals is given in

S.No.Location CodeLocation Name


Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi

Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi.
No:S.11011/07/2014-CGHS (HEC)
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Shahjahan Road, Bikaner House
New Delhi 110 108, dated the 16th May, 2014
Subject: Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi.
With reference to the above mentioned matter, attention is drawn to the Office Order of even number dated 14.03.2014 vide which empanelment of Delhi Heart & Lung Institute, New Delhi was suspended from the list of empanelled hospitals under CGHS for a period of six months or till further orders which ever was earlier, as it had withdrawn cashless facilities for CGHS beneficiaries.

Now the hospital has agreed to provide cashless facilities to CGHS beneficiaries in terms of MoA signed between CGHS and Delhi Heart & Lung Institute and has assured its compliance thereof, it has been decided to revoke the suspension of CGHS empanelment of Delhi Heart & Lung Institute CGHS with immediate effect till next empanelment in the best of public interest.
Additional Director CGHS (HQ)

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