LDC-UDC issue and MACP on Hierarchical basis discussed in Confederation meeting on 22-07-2013 but not shown in minutes
issue and granting of MACP on hierarchical basis has been discussed in
Confederation meeting on 22-07-2013. T.K.R. Pillai, General Secretary,
All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non-Gazetted) has
informed through his blog in this regard the blog post is reproduced
Dear friends,
The issues put up for discussion in the
Confederation meeting on 22/07/2013 were not reflected in the minutes
published in the Confederation web site and as such I discussed the
matter with Com M Krishnan, Secretary General(SG), Confederation over
phone . He informed me that the items put up by us have been discussed
in the meeting and decided accordingly; but the same has not been
incorporated in the minutes published in the web site. The details of
the discussion/decision taken, as said by the SG, are given below:
LDC/UDC issue
SG has said that due to the efforts of the Confederation, the matter
has already been taken up by the National JCM Staff side with the
Government. The issue is being monitored by the National JCM Staff side
at present. In the light of the above the meeting discussed the matter
and decided to remind the National JCM Staff side to accelerate the
action for the implementation of the upgradation of Grade pay of LDC
& UDC.
Granting of MACP on hierarchical basis:
to the Secretary General, the meeting has decided to obtain legal
position for implementation of the Principle CAT judgment for the entire
Central Government Employees. Then the Confederation will write letters
to the Government on the issue. The copy of the said letter will be
published in our web site as soon as we receive the same.
The SG has
said All other items put up by the Association has also been discussed
in the meeting for which letters have already been written by the
Confederation. However, letters reminding the said correspondence will
be sent to the Government again.
The minutes of the 22nd Meeting as published in the Confederation web site is given below:
1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi – 110001
Circular No. 2/2013 Dated – 23.07.2013
22.07.2013 – NEW DELHI
Dear Comrades,
first meeting of the National Secretariat of the Confederation was held
at New Delhi on 22.07.2013. Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President,
presided. The following office bearers were present:
Com. S. K.
Vyas (Advisor), Com. K. K. N. Kutty (President), Com. M. S. Raja
(Working President), Com. Giriraj Singh (Vice President), Com. M. Durai
Pandian (Vice President), Com. N. Somaiah (Vice President), Com. M.
Krishnan (Secretary General), Com. K. V. Jayaraj (Asst Secretary), Com.
Pijush Roy (Asst. Secretary) Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas (Asst. Secretary),
Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee (Financial Secretary), Com. G. Mani Achari
(Org. Secretary) Com. R. P. Singh (Org. Secretary) Com. Arup Chatterjee
(Org. Secretary).
The following office bearers applied for leave/expressed their inability to attend:
R. N. Parashar (Asst. Secretary) Com. C. P. Sobhana (Org. Secretary)
Com. Venkata Subramanian (Org. Secretary), Com. K. P. Rajagopal
The following office bearers could not reach due to train late/cancellation:
T. Narasimhan (Vice President), Com. B. Krishna Gaud (Asst. Secretary),
Com. Nilesh D. Nasare (Org. Secretary) Com. P. Suresh (Org. Secretary)
Com. V. Nageswara Rao (Org. Secretary), Com. T. Satyanarayana (Org.
Secretary), Com. T. K. R. Pillai (Auditor).
The following comrades were absent:
Ashok B. Salunke (Vice President), Com. Ashok Kumar Kanojia (Org
Secretary) Com. R. Seethalakshmi (Org. Secretary), Com. Y. Purohit (Org.
Before Commencement the meeting paid homage to Late
Com. Samar Mukherjee, Ex-MP and Veteran Parliamentarian by observing two
minutes silence.
Com. S. K. Vyas, Advisor, in his opening
remarks, explained the background of events which led to the formation
of a Joint Council of Action of Railway (AIRF) Defence (AIDEF) and
Confederation and also pointed out its weaknesses and limitations. He
stressed the need to further strengthen the unity. He opined that on the
15 point charter of demands, Confederation must conduct its own
independent campaign and agitational programmes. If the Railway and
defence Federations come forward for serious agitational programmes
including indefinite strike we must join such campaign and strike
Com. K. Raghavendran, Ex-Working President, Confederation
also addressed the meeting. Thereafter discussion on all agenda items
took place.
The following are the main highlights and decision of the National Secretariat meeting
1. Review of 24th National Conference held at Kolkata from 4th to 6thMay 2013
M. Krishnan, Secretary General made a brief presentation of the
Conference proceedings, which was approved by the house after
2. 15 Pointes charter of demands and future course of action.
meeting decided to organize independent campaign and agitational
programmes culminating in indefinite strike. The specific decisions
(i) To organize state level joint strike conventions of C-o-C
with the participation of all affiliated unions/Associations/Federations
during the month of August 2013. Whereever the C-O-C functioning is not
satisfactory or has no participation of district units, efforts must be
taken to revamp the committee.
(ii) To organize mass Relay dharna
at different places in all important stations during the first week of
September 2013 (from 02.09.2013 to 07.09.2013).
(iii)To conduct
nationwide strike ballot during the last week of September 2013 (On 25,
26 and 27th September) Model of the ballot will be sent later.
convene the Central Working Committee/Central Executive committee
meetings of all affiliated unions/Associations/Federations before the
1st week of October 2013. All India Office Bearers of the Confederation
may be invited to attend the meeting.
3. Joint programme of AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation:
was decided to make all out effort to further strengthen the Joint
council of action (JCA) and also to launch serious agitational
programmes culminating in indefinite strike before December 2013.
4. Formation of State Committees and District Committees
was decided to reorganize the COCs which are defunct or not functioning
satisfactorily. This is to be done when the state level strike campaign
conventions are organized. Participation of representatives of all
affiliates should be ensured in the conventions.
5. Conducting of All India Mahila Convention of the Confederation.
was decided to conduct two day’s All India Mahila Convention at New
Delhi in the 3rd week of October 2013. C-O-C Delhi has agreed to host
the Mahila Convention. Delegate fee shall be Rs.600/- per delegate.
Participation of maximum number of Lady comrades from all
states/affiliates should be ensured.
6. Organising Trade Union Education Camp:
was decided to hold the Trade Union Education Camp at Mumbai in
November/December 2013. Number of participants shall be 150 (maximum).
Delegate fee Rs. 600/- per delegate Postal, ITEF, Audit & Accounts
and Atomic Energy delegates accommodation shall be arranged by their
respective Federations. C-O-C Mumbai shall function as the Reception
committee. Date and Venue will be intimated later.
7. Publication of journal
to publish a monthly journal. Name of the journal shall be
“CONFEDERATION NEWS” (subject to availability at RNI) Editorial Board
shall consist of Com. S. K. Vyas (Advisor) Com. K. K. N. Kutty
(President) Com. M. S. Raja (Working President) Com. M .Krishnan
(Secretary General) com. K. P. Rajagopal (Secretary) and Com. Vrigu
Bhattacharjee (Financial Secretary).
8. Financial Review:
Secretary shall present the actual picture in the next meeting.
Meanwhile letters should be sent to all affiliated unions to remit the
arrears of quota immediately.
9. Letter from ITEF and reply
letter received from Secretary General, ITEF and the reply given,
regarding the election of new office bearers of the Confederation was
presented in the meeting by the Secretary General, Confederation. It was
decided to send an appeal letter to the ITEF requesting them to resolve
the issue amicably.
10. Affiliation to new organizations:
application for affiliation received from the following two
organisations was considered and it is decided to grant affiliation
subject to their accepting the terms & conditions for affiliation.
(i) Indian School of Mines Karmachari Sangh, Dhanbad.
(ii) Song and Drama Division Employees Associations, New Delhi
11. National Convention of Central Trade Unions on 6th August 2013.
The available National Secretariat members/leaders at Delhi will attend the convention on 6th.
President, Com. K. K. N. Kutty in his concluding remarks, briefed decisions taken in the meeting. The meeting ended at 5 PM.
office Bearers, State Committees, other C-O-Cs and Affiliated Unions/
Associations/ Federations are requested to implement the above mentioned
decisions of the National Secretariat meeting, WITHOUT FAIL.
This may be treated as most urgent/important,
Fraternally yours,
(K. K. N. Kutty) (M. Krishnan)
President Secretary General
Mob: 09811048303 Mob: 09447068125
Source: http://aiamshq.blogspot.in/2013/07/decision-taken-in-22nd-july-national.html