Thursday, September 29, 2016

Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians

Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians

REF: BPMS / MoD / 90th SCM (4/1/M)
Dated: 26.09.2016
The Dy Secretary (CP)
Govt of India, Min of Defence,
B Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi 110011

Subject: Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians

Respected Sir,
With due regards, your attention is invited to the Agenda Point No. 65 raised by this federation BPMS in the Steering Committee meeting for the 90th Departmental Council (JCM) (MoD) held on 27.09.2013 {Refer MoD F.No. 5(2)/2013/D(JCM), Dated 24.09.2013}. This federation BPMS submitted that Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways have issued a notification vide Notice No. NH 11065/12/2003 P&M, dated 15.09.2004 to Secretary, PWD of all States/Union Territories and National Highways Authority of India clarifying that the provisions of Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 is applicable to all States and National Highways whereby Army personnel are exempted from paying tolls on roads and highways in the States/Union Territories for their private vehicles irrespective of whether they are on duty or not.

This Federation has firm belief that the defence civilians are also integral part of Defence Forces and they perform their duties in almost similar conditions of uniform personnel without any extra financial benefits. Hence, they (Defence civilians) also deserve to be granted the benefits to some extent on par with uniform personnel.

In this regard, D(Mov) offered its comments (copy enclosed for ready reference) that the subject matter was not being dealt with by D(Mov).

Therefore, you are requested to take appropriate action so that Defence Civilians may also be exempted from paying tolls on roads and highways in the States/Union Territories for their private vehicles.

Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM II Level Council (MOD)
Click to read the letter
Source: BPMS


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