21/1/2014-CS.I (PR/CMS)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-110003
Dated the December, 2015
Dated the December, 2015
Subject: Web Based Cadre Management System – updation of data of CSS/CSSS/CSCS officers
As Ministries/Departments are aware, the Web Based Cadre Management System for CSS, CSSS and CSCS has been operational since January, 2013. The system is hosted at cscms.nic.in. Despite lapse of more than two years, complete and upto date data is still not available in the system in respect of several officers. The prime objective of the web based system is to ensure accurate real time data of all the officers to enable quicker decisions relating to cadre management functions. Unless the data is maintained upto date, the purpose of the web based system will be defeated.
2. Nodal Officers in all the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested as under:
(a) Employee module: Nodal officers should ensure that correct and up to date personal information in respect of all personnel posted there is available. Nodal officers have been empowered to modify/correct (i) Employee details (ii) Basis Details (iii) Address details (iv) Training details and (v) qualification details. All the officers belonging to GSS/CSSS/CSCS may also be advised to verify their data in the system and bring discrepancies to the notice of the nodal officers for correction. If there is any difficulty in this regard, nodal officers should call CMC Ltd. Engineers at Tele: 24629890.
(b) Experience and Promotion data: CS.I Division will modify data in these two fields. If any modification is required duly certified information may be sent to CS Division for correction.
(c) Pay: Please ensure that pay of the officer is correctly indicated in the system. After drawl of increment on 1 st July every year the data should be corrected.
(d) APAR: Ensure that APAR grading is entered in the system and the APAR is scanned and uploaded in the system. If there is any difficulty in this regard, please call the CMC Ltd. Engineers at Tele: 24629890.
(e) IPR and Lokpal return: All the officers of CSS/CSSS/CSCS are requested to file their returns online. It may be noted that defaulting officers will not be granted cadre clearance for deputation, foreign training, empanelment etc.
(f) Deputation: Ensure that all Officers apply for cadre clearance through the system. If any application is received in CS.I Division without online application it will not be entertained. Prior to forwarding application online, nodal officers should also ensure that correct and up to date information of the officer concerned is available in the system.
(g) Foreign Training: All nominations for foreign training should be processed through the web based cadre management system in respect of all Officers. Their reliving for the training will also be updated in the system to capture the details of foreign trainings attended. If the training period is more than three months, the nodal officers will forward the online request to CS.I Division for cadre clearance in respect of US and above level officers.
(h) Domestic Training: All nominations for domestic training should be processed through the web based cadre management system in respect of all officers. If the training period is exceeding one year, the nodal officers will forward the online request to CS.I Division for further processing in respect of US and above level officers.
(i) Permission to visit abroad: All requests for private foreign visits should be processed through the web based cadre management system to capture such information.
(j) Furnishing of information of death of an employee: In case of death of an employee, the nodal officer of the Ministry/Department concerned will henceforth immediately update the information in the web based system to enable capture of the vacancy to facilitate provision of a substitute.
(k) Furnishing of information of long leave of an employee: If any employee proceeds on leave for six months or more, the nodal officer concerned should update the information in the web based system immediately to capture the vacancy to facilitate provision of a substitute.
(l) Voluntary Retirement: CS.I Division conveys . approval of MoS (PP) for voluntary retirement of US and above level officers of CSS. Henceforth, if the request for voluntary retirement is not received through the system, the same will not be entertained.
(m) Resignation: Resignation requests from employees should be obtained and processed in the web based system so that such vacancies are brought to the notice of the cadre controlling authority immediately.
(n) Technical resignation: Requests for technical resignation to join another employment under the Government should also be obtained and processed in the web based cadre management system.
(o) Vigilance status: Vigilance clearance whenever required in connection with cadre management activities will be sought and obtained through the system. In respect of US and above level officer it will be updated both by the Ministries!Department and by AVD.I of DoP&T. Upto SO level, Ministries/Departments will update the system.3. This circular may be brought to the notice of all CSS Officers for their information and active cooperation to ensure correctness of data.
4. Nodal officers may also depute their subordinates to CS.I Division to clear doubts if any about the functioning of the system.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele.: 24629412
Original OrderUnder Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele.: 24629412
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