Saturday, January 30, 2016

7th Pay Commission Recommendations on Leave and Holidays

7th Pay Commission Recommendations on Leave and Holidays

Gazetted and Restricted Holidays : Besides the three National Holidays, employees are presently entitled to 14 Gazetted and 2 Restricted holidays every year. Out of the 14 Gazetted holidays, 11 are observed throughout India, while 3 are decided locally. For Restricted holidays, a list is drawn up at the local level taking local factors into consideration; employee is entitled to choose any two in a year out of that list. There are demands to include May Day and 14th April as compulsory holidays throughout India.

Suggestions have also been received to increase the number of locally decided Gazetted Holidays from 3 to 6.

Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission is of the view that the present system is working well. Accordingly, status quo is recommended.

7th CPC Leave Rules :  7th Pay Commission has recommended on Holidays and Leave for Central Government Employees and Offices…

Holidays and Leave : Presently Central Government offices observe a five-day week which results in 104 holidays every year on account of weekends. In addition, there are three National Holidays, fourteen Gazetted Holidays and two Restricted Holidays. Further, civilian government employees are entitled to 8 days’ Casual Leave, 20 days’ Half Pay Leave (commutable to Medical Leave) and 30 days’ Earned Leave. Besides the above, quite a few other types of leave are admissible.

The following paragraphs bring out, in alphabetical order, the different kinds of holidays and leave admissible, demands received (if any) and views of the Commission on each one of them. Unless otherwise stated, the existing terms and conditions regulating these holidays and leave shall remain unchanged.

Casual Leave (CL) : Casual Leave is granted to enable a government servant to attend to sudden/unforeseen needs/tasks. Presently 8 days CL is normally granted to a Central Government employee per calendar year. The number goes up to 10 days for Industrial Workers, 20 days for Defence
Officers and 30 days for Defence PBORs. Certain other categories of staff, particularly in the Railways, are granted CL ranging from 11 to 13 days in a year. Demands have been made to increase the number of CL to 15 days for Industrial Workers and 12 days for other employees. CAPFs have also sought parity with defence forces in matters of Casual Leave.

Analysis and Recommendations : Regarding the number of Casual Leave, the Commission is of the view that the present system is working well and need not be altered. As far as the case of CAPFs for parity with defence forces is concerned, the Commission notes that CAPFs are essentially civilian forces and their service conditions are different from defence forces. Hence parity in terms of number of casual leave cannot be considered. To sum up, status quo is recommended.

Child Adoption Leave : This leave is granted to female employees, with fewer than two surviving children on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, for a period of 135 days immediately after the date of valid adoption.

Analysis and Recommendations : No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, status quo may be maintained.

Child Care Leave (CCL) : Child Care Leave (CCL) is granted to women employees for a maximum period of two years (i.e., 730 days) during their entire service for taking care of their minor children (up to eighteen years of age). There are several demands relating to CCL which include converting the same into “family care” leave, extending the facility to male parents and many representations stressing that it should be extended at least to single male parents. Suggestions have also been received that in cases where the child is differently abled, the clause stipulating that the child should be minor, should be done away with. Single mothers have highlighted their unique problems and requested the Commission for liberalising the grant of CCL. Interestingly, representations have also been made for discontinuance of the CCL, primarily on the grounds that it disrupts office working and also because it promotes gender discrimination.

Analysis and Recommendations : When CCL was first introduced by the VI CPC it generated considerable interest as it represented a positive measure benefiting women employees. It also took a while to stabilise and it is seen that as many as five amendments/clarifications were issued within a short period of time. As it stands, it is meant for women employees “for taking care of up to two children whether for rearing the children or looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc.” It is treated akin to Earned Leave and is sanctioned as such. It may not, however, be granted in more than three spells in a calendar year.

In the first two years of its implementation the experience was that women employees tended to treat this as Casual Leave or an extension of the same, and the resultant frequent absences caused disruptions at work. To address this, in September 2010, a clarification was issued stipulating that CCL may not be granted in more than three spells in a calendar year and also that it may not be granted for less than 15 days at a time. However, the latter stipulation was subsequently withdrawn and as per the latest clarification issued on 5 June, 2014 the government has decided to remove the requirement of minimum period of 15 days CCL. It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that the capping of maximum three spells in a
calendar year has, to some extent, addressed the problems relating to disruption of work.

Notwithstanding that, in the course of discussions with various stakeholders, the sense that has come across is that what was introduced as a welfare measure to help employees in times of need, is seen as a benefit that has to be availed simply because it exists. There is, therefore, a palpable need to bring in some inhibiting feature so as to ensure that only genuinely affected employees avail of this scheme. Towards this end the Commission recommends that CCL should be granted at 100 percent of the salary for the first 365 days, but at 80 percent of the salary for the next 365 days. In making this recommendation the Commission has also kept in mind the fact the concept of a paid (whether 100% or 80%) leave solely for child care for a period of two years, is a liberal measure unmatched anywhere else.

The Commission notes that in the event a male employee is single, the onus of rearing and nurturing the children falls squarely on his shoulders. Hence extension of CCL to single male parents is recommended. Moreover, the Commission recognizes the additional responsibility on the shoulders of employees who are single mothers. Accordingly, it is recommended that for such employees, the conditionality of three spells in a calendar year should be relaxed to six spells in a calendar year.

Commuted Leave : Presently, Commuted Leave not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave due can be taken on medical certificate. A demands have been made to do away with the need for medical certificate.

Analysis and RecommendationsThe Commission does not find merit in the demand. Status Quo is recommended.

Earned Leave (EL) or Leave on Average Pay (LAP) : Presently 30 days EL per annum is granted to Civilian employees and 60 days to Defence

personnel. EL can be accumulated up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with LTC. Suggestions have been made to increase the accumulation to 450 days, allow encashment of 50 percent of the accumulated EL after 20 years of service and delink encashment of leave from LTC. A novel concept of “gifting” has been put forward, wherein employee should be allowed to ‘gift’ certain number of days of leave to one’s spouse or one’s colleague. “Vacational” staff like teachers, principals, etc. have demanded restoration of 10 days EL, which was changed to 20 days Half Pay Leave by VI CPC.

Analysis and Recommendations : In many organizations, employees are encouraged to take leave on the premise that it revitalizes them and is beneficial for the organization in the long run. Such a system is not prevalent in the government sector in India, but substituting leave with cash is also not desirable. Hence, no change in encashment guidelines is recommended.

The Commission recognizes that Earned Leave is, as the name suggests, earned by an employee through the services rendered. Hence, it is personal to the employee and the concept of “gifting” cannot be considered. The demand of “Vacational” staff can, however, be agreed to. Hence, it is recommended that “Vacational” staff be granted 10 days EL in place of 20 days Half Pay Leave. Other than this no other change is recommended.

Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) : EOL is granted to a government servant when no other leave is admissible or when other leave is admissible, but the government servant applies in writing for extraordinary leave. This leave is neither debited to leave account nor is any leave salary paid. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, status quo may be maintained.

Furlough Leave : This leave is admissible only to defence officers for up to 60 days. It can be availed at half pay, once in a cycle of three calendar years. No demands have been received regarding this leave. However, the Commission is of the view that Furlough Leave is a legacy of the pre Independence era. Since defence officers are already entitled to double the Earned Leave and more than double the Casual Leave available to civilian employees, there is no justification for continuation of Furlough Leave. Hence, it is recommended that Furlough Leave be abolished.

Half Pay Leave (HPL) or Leave on Half Average Pay (LHAP) : Presently, government employees are entitled to 20 days of Half Pay Leave for each completed year of service, credited @10 days on the 1st of January and 1st of July every year. There are representations that encashment of HPL should be allowed at the time of superannuation.

Analysis and Recommendations : The demands lack merit. Elsewhere in the report it has been recommended that 20 days HPL granted to “Vacational” staff be converted into 10 days EL. Hence, HPL will henceforth not be available to them. No change other than this is recommended.

Hospital Leave : This leave is granted to Group `C’ Railway employees if they are suffering from illness or injuries directly due to risks incurred in the course of official duties, on production of medical certificate. Full pay is admissible for first 120 days and half pay thereafter. The leave may be combined with any other kind of leave due and admissible, provided total period of leave does not exceed 28 months. Demands have been received to increase this leave to an unlimited period of time as applicable to PBORs of defence forces.

Analysis and Recommendations : This has been discussed under Special Disability Leave

Leave Not Due (LND) : LND is granted when the employee has no half-pay leave at credit and he/she requests for the grant of Leave Not Due. It is granted only on medical certification, if the leave sanctioning authority is satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of the employee returning to duty on its expiry. LND during the entire service is limited to a maximum of 360 days and will be debited against the half-pay leave that the employee may earn subsequently. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, status quo may be maintained.

Maternity Leave : Maternity leave is granted to women government employees–up to 180 days for pregnancy and 45 days in the entire service for miscarriage/abortion. Maternity leave can be combined with any other leave upto two years without medical certificate. The Commission has received representations for enhancement of Maternity leave to 240 days with full pay and further 120 days with half pay.

Analysis and Recommendations : It is noted that Maternity Leave was raised from 135 days to 180 days and ‘period in continuation’ raised from 1 year to 2 years by the VI CPC. No further increase is warranted. Status quo is recommended.

Paternity Leave : Presently, a male employee with less than two surviving children may be granted Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days during the confinement of his wife, up to 15 days before or six months from the date of delivery of child. Paternity leave may also be granted to a government servant with less than two surviving children on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, within a period of 6 months from the date of valid adoption. There are demands to increase the period to 30 days.

Analysis and RecommendationsPresent dispensation of 15 days is adequate. Status quo may be maintained.

Sick Leave : This leave is admissible to defence personnel only on account of sickness attributable/ aggravated due to service conditions. Full pay is granted for the entire duration of hospitalization. Beyond that, defence officers are allowed Sick Leave with full pay and allowances for first six months and fully pay only for next 18-24 months, while there is no such  limit for PBORs. There are demands from CAPFs for complete parity with defence forces in respect of provisions of Sick Leave.

Analysis and Recommendations : Discussed under Special Disability Leave.

Special Casual Leave (SCL) : SCL is granted to employees to cover their absence from duty for various occasions like sports events, cultural activities, participation in Republic Day Parade, voluntary blood donation, Trade Union meetings, etc. Full pay is granted during SCL and it can be sanctioned with retrospective effect also. There are demands to extend SCL to organ donors till the time they are fit to resume duty.

Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission would like to express its concern at the widespread use of SCL as a means of getting away from duty. However, because of the extensive scope and case specific nature of this leave, no concrete recommendations can be made. The government may, however, consider the following suggestions:

1. Review the purposes for which SCL is presently granted.
2. Limit the number of purposes for which an employee can be granted SCL in a year.
3. Limit the total number of days that an employee can be granted SCL in a year.

Special Disability Leave : It is admissible to civilian employees when disabled by injury intentionally or accidentally inflicted or caused by or in consequence of the due performance of official duties or in consequence of official position held. Full pay is admissible for the first 120 days and half pay thereafter. The leave may be combined with any other kind of leave due and admissible, provided the total period of leave does not exceed 24 months. There are demands to remove the ceiling limit of 24 months–the duration of leave may be left to the discretion of doctor and full pay paid for the entire period.

Analysis and Recommendations :  There are three different kinds of leave admissible to civilian/defence employees which are granted for work related illness/injuries–Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave. It is an established worldwide practice that employees who suffer illness/injuries that are attributable to/aggravated in the course of their duty need to be adequately compensated. However, due to the inherent difference between the nature of duties of civilians and uniformed forces, a distinction needs be made in the level of compensation provided. Having said that, there is some similarity in the risks faced by different uniformed forces, and consequently parity amongst them may be considered as far as this leave is concerned.

The following is, therefore, recommended:
1. Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave should be subsumed in a new Leave named Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL).
2. Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.
3. Beyond hospitalization, WRIIL will be governed as follows:
a. For Civilian employees, RPF employees and personnel of Police Forces of Union Territories: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization and Half Pay only for 12 months beyond that. The Half Pay period may be commuted to full pay with corresponding number of days of Half Pay Leave debited from the employee’s leave account.

b. For Officers of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization, for the next 24 months, full pay only.

c. For PBORs of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances, with no limit regarding period.

4. In the case of persons to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 applies, the amount of leave salary payable under WRIIL shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under the Act.
5. No Earned Leave or Half Pay Leave will be credited during the period that employee is on WRIIL.

Study Leave : Presently, Study Leave may be granted to all government employees with not less than five years’ service for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties as a civil servant. It is limited to 24 months, except for CHS officers who are allowed 36 months. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, status quo may be maintained.

7th CPC recommendations on Gazetted and Restricted Holidays – Dopt expects comments from NC JCM Staff Side

7th CPC recommendations on Gazetted and Restricted Holidays – Dopt expects comments from NC JCM Staff Side
F. No.12/23/2015-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment (JCA – 2) Section
North Block, New Delhi,
Date January 22, 2016

Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for Central
Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi 110 001

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission – Comments – regarding

Please find attached the extracts of para-9.2.19 on the above Report on ‘Gazetted and Restricted Holidays. The Commission has expressed opinion that the present system is working well and has recommended status-quo.

2. It is requested that your comments in this matter may please be provided to this Department, preferably, by 05.02.2016, so that a view can be taken.

Yours faithfully
Deputy Secretary to Government of India

Expected DA on Jan 2016 - AICPIN for December 2015

Expected DA on Jan 2016 - AICPIN for December 2015

No.5/1/2015- CPI
DATED: 29th January, 2016
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – December, 2015

The All-India CPI-IW for December, 2015 decreased by I point and pegged at 269 (two hundred and sixty nine). On 1-month percentage change, it decreased by (-) 0.37 per cent between November and December, 2015 which was static between the same two months a year ago.

The maximum downward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing (-) 1.36 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Arhar Dal, Masur Dal, Moong Dal, Onion, Potato, Tomato, Peas and other Green Vegetables & Fruit items, Petrol, etc. are responsible for the fall in index. However, this decrease was checked by Rice, Wheat, Wheat Atta, Fish Fresh, Eggs (Hen), Poultry (Chicken), Goat Meat, Milk (Buffalo), ESI Contribution, Rail Fare, Barber Charges, Flower/Flower Garlands, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.
The year-on-year inflation measured by monthly CPI-IW stood at 6.32 per cent for December, 2015 as compared to 6.72 per cent for the previous month and 5.86 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 7.94 per cent against 7.86 per cent of the previous month and 5.73 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level, Ludhiana reported the maximum decrease of 7 points followed by Ahmedabad and Rourkela (6 points each), Tripura, Varanasi, Lucknow and Kodarma (5points each). Among others, 4 points decrease was observed in 9 centres, 3 points in 4 centres, 2 points in 11 centres and 1 point in 12 centres. On the contrary, Quilon recorded a highest increase of 7 points followed by Warangal (4 points), and Rangapara-Tezpur, Chhindwara and Mundakkayam (3 points each). Among others, 2 points increase was observed in 5 centres and 1 point in 9 centres. Rest of the 16 centres’ indices remained stationary.

The indices of 37 centres are above All-India Index and other 40 centres’ indices are below national average. The index of Jabalpur centre remained at par with All-India Index.

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of January, 2016 will be released on Monday, 29th February, 2016. The same will also be available on the office website


Implementation of 7th CPC – Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments on 2.2.2016

Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments will be held on 2.2.2016

Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments – implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Issues on way ahead

F.No.1-1/2016- IC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, 29.1.2016
Meeting Notice

Subject : Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments – implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Issues on way ahead.

In order to process the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, the Cabinet has approved setting up of an Empowered Committee of Secretaries chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly, the ECOS has been set up as per this Ministry’s OM No.1-4/2015/EIII-A dt. 27.1.2016 (copy placed on the website of this Ministry, viz,

2. As provided in the said OM dt. 27.1.2016, the Implementation Cell created in this Ministry shall work as the Secretariat for the ECOS.

3. This Ministry has already requested all the Ministries/Departments vide DO letter No.1-4/2015/EIII.A dt. 21.11.2015 from JS(Pers) addressed to all the Secretaries to nominate a nodal officer at the level of a Joint Secretary to interact with the Implementation Cell during the curse of processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

4. Accordingly, Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) shall take a meeting of all the Nodal Officers of the Ministries/Departments on 2.2.2016 at 11 .00 a.m. in Conference Hall (R. No. 72), North Block, New Delhi to discuss the relevant issues in connection with the processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC and to concretise the points of action pertaining to all the Ministries/Departments in general and also in regard to specific issues concerning individual Ministries/Departments with a view to enabling an effective, holistic and quicker processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC and for submission of the matter before the ECOS.

5. As this is the first meeting of the Nodal Officers to formulate the action points on the way ahead on processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC, it is requested that the concerned nodal officers may kindly make it
convenient to attend the meeting.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All the nodal officers of Ministries/Departments, as per list attached.


Finmin issued instructions on processing foreign visits of officers for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries

Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS)

Clarification on revised comprehensive guidelines/instructions on foreign visit by officers of Government of India

No. 4(4)/E.Coord/2015
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated 25th January, 2016.

Subject: Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS).

This Department has been receiving references seeking clarification on certain issues with reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 05-01-2016 on the above subject. Accordingly the following clarification is issued
a) Approval of SCoS is not required in case of foreign visits of upto Joint Secretary level officers as part of foreign training component, Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) or any other training, irrespective of number of members and days”.

b) The provision of seeking approval of Cabinet Secretary for condoning delay in submission of proposals sent less than 15 days before the date of departure of delegation has been done away with.

c) Calculation of number of foreign visits in respect of any officer will be with reference to calendar year.
(N. Radhakrishnan)
Director (E. Coord)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Secretaries Committee to hold first meeting to process 7th Pay Commission report on Feb 2

Secretaries Committee to hold first meeting to process 7th Pay Commission report on Feb 2

Nodal officers of different ministries and departments will hold first meeting on February 2 to formulate action points for processing 7th Pay Commission report that have bearing on remuneration of about 1 crore central government employees and pensioners.

An Empowered Committee of Secretaries, headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha, has been set up to process the panel’s recommendations that would put an additional burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on the exchequer.

An Implementation Cell has been created in the Finance Ministry which will work as the Secretariat of the Committee.

Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) would take the meeting of all the Nodal Officers of ministries/departments on February 2 to discuss the relevant issues in connection with the processing of the recommendations, a Finance Ministry office memorandum said.

The meeting is aimed at strengthening the points of action pertaining to all the ministries/departments in general and also with regard to specific issues with a view to “enabling an effective, holistic and quicker processing” of the recommendations.

In November 2015, the Finance Ministry had asked concerned Ministries and Departments to nominate a nodal officer at the level of a Joint Secretary to interact with the Implementation Cell.

The recommendations when implemented would have a bearing on the remuneration of 47 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners.

Subject to acceptance by the government, the recommendations will take effect from January 1, 2016.


7th CPC Recommendations on Encashment and Accumulation of Earned Leave

7th CPC Recommendations on Encashment and Accumulation of Earned Leave


 “The recommendations in relation to pay of both the civilian and defence forces personnel will also lead to a significant increase in the pay drawn and therefore in the total amount of leave encashment available for an employee. Therefore raising the present ceiling of 300 days is not recommended by the Commission”.

Earned Leave : Presently 30 days EL per annum is granted to Civilian employees and 60 days to Defence personnel.

EL can be accumulated up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with LTC.

Suggestions have been made to increase the accumulation to 450 days, allow encashment of 50 percent of the accumulated EL after 20 years of service and delink encashment of leave from LTC. A novel concept of “gifting” has been put forward, wherein employee should be allowed to ‘gift’ certain number of days of leave to one’s spouse or one’s colleague. “Vacational” staff like teachers, principals, etc. have demanded restoration of 10 days EL, which was changed to 20 days Half Pay Leave by VI CPC.

Leave Encashment permitted at the time of retirement:

CPC Earned Leave
IV CPC  240 days
V CPC 300 days
VI CPC 300 days
# # excludes 60 days EL encashment during LTC

Half Pay Leave (HPL) : Presently, government employees are entitled to 20 days of Half Pay Leave for each completed year of service, credited @10 days on the 1st of January and 1st of July every year. There are representations that encashment of HPL should be allowed at the time of superannuation.

Analysis and Recommendations : The demands lack merit. Elsewhere in the report it has been recommended that 20 days HPL granted to “Vacational” staff be converted into 10 days EL. Hence, HPL will henceforth not be available to them. No change other than this is recommended

Analysis and Recommendations : In many organizations, employees are encouraged to take leave on the premise that it revitalizes them and is beneficial for the organization in the long run. Such a system is not prevalent in the government sector in India, but substituting leave with cash is also not desirable. Hence, no change in encashment guidelines is recommended.

The Commission recognizes that Earned Leave is, as the name suggests, earned by an employee through the services rendered. Hence, it is personal to the employee and the concept of “gifting” cannot be considered.
The demand of “Vacational” staff can, however, be agreed to. Hence, it is recommended that “Vacational” staff be granted 10 days EL in place of 20 days Half Pay Leave. Other than this no other change is recommended.

DoPT has already introduced one-page form for Central Pensioners – Dr Jitendra Singh

DoPT has already introduced one-page form for Central Pensioners – Dr Jitendra Singh

DoPT’s innovative reform to switch over to the use of “one-page” form

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
28-January-2016 18:36 IST
Dr Jitendra Singh appeals for use of ‘one-page’ form

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh has appealed to various ministries in the Central Government as well as the State Governments to cooperate in carrying forward the Department of Personnel & Training(DoPT)’s innovative reform to switch over to the use of “one-page” form or format to apply for jobs, issue of birth and death certificates and availing of various Government schemes.

Dr Jitendra Singh said that the service delivery mechanism needs to be not only citizen-centric, but essentially youth-centric because it is the youth who comprise more than 65% of India’s population today. It is, therefore, the need of the hour, he said, to revisit and re-look the existing practice wherein an individual applying for a job, a loan or a Central scheme has to go through the process of filling up lengthy, often complicated and even repetitive information.

Dr Jitendra Singh disclosed that DoPT has already introduced one-page form for Central Pensioners. Similarly, the death and birth certificates could also be simplified immediately, he said. The “National Centre for Good Governance” will be holding workshops under its initiative “Saral Avedan, Sugam Prakriya, Swachh Prashasan” with different Government departments to discuss how best to carry forward this initiative, he said.

Dr Jitendra Singh pointed out that there are a number of forms which run into several pages and the information asked for is repetitive which can be easily avoided. For example, he said, some of the forms ask for the parentage or marital status more than once, even though this may not be essentially required for the purpose for which the application is being filled. Citing an instance, he said, when a form is filled for pension, the most relevant information required is age, date of superannuation, last pay scale and bank account number.

According to Dr Jitendra Singh the purpose of the entire exercise is that any given form should be made as simple as possible, preferably a single A4 size page, the contents of the form should be easy to understand and brief to fill-in. Similarly, the documents to be attached with the form should also be easy and absolutely essential, he added. He also informed that the State Governments will be persuaded to initiate this exercise at the earliest.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Vacancies of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS – Dopt orders on 28.1.2016

Vacancies of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS – Dopt orders on 28.1.2016

  Government of India
  Ministry of Personnel, public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel and Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 28th January, 2016

Subject:- Vacancies of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS-reg.

The undersigned is directed to that this Department had conveyed 102 tentative vacancies ror Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2015 to be conducted by SSC. Now the SSC have sought the confirmed number of vacancies of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSSS for Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2015.

2. All the Ministries/ Departments participating in the CSSS Cadre are, therefore, requested to furnish the confirmed vacancy position in the grade of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS in the enclosed format. The vacancy position may be intimated by fax or e-mail at by positively failing which the vacancies reported earlier will be taken into account and nomination would be made accordingly. All the Ministries / Departments are, therefore, requested to furnish the information by deadline positively as the matter is TIME BOUND. Even in of no change in the position intimated earlier to this Department or “NIL’ vacancy, the matter should be reported immediately.
(Karneshwar Mishrs)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Click to view the order

Maximum of 6 tickets can be booked by an individual user in a month – New restriction by IRCTC

Maximum of 6 tickets can be booked by an individual user in a month – New restriction by IRCTC

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
28-January-2016 16:34 IST

Railway Ministry introduces new checks on booking of e-ticket/i-ticket through IRCTC website with a view to further prevent possible misuse

Under the new provisions a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked online by an individual user in a month on IRCTC website

This new provision will come into effect w.e.f. 15th February, 2015

The move aims to deter touts and to facilitate genuine users

In order to facilitate genuine users and prevent touting activities, various checks have already been put in place for the booking of e-ticket/i-ticket on IRCTC website including the following existing provision: –
1. Individuals are allowed only 2 tickets per user-ID in a day (for ARP booking) from 08:00 hours to 10.00 hours.
2. Individuals are allowed only 2 tickets per user-ID in a day (for Tatkal booking) from 10:00 hours to 12:00 hours.
3. Quick Book Option is disabled from 08:00 to 12:00 hours
4. All types of ticketing agents (YTSK, RTSA, IRCTC agents etc.) have been debarred from booking tickets during the first thirty minutes of opening of booking i.e. from 08:00 to 08:30 hours for general bookings, and from 10:00 to 10:30 hours and 11:00 to 11:30 hours for Tatkal booking in AC and non-AC classes respectively.
5. Booking is not allowed through e-wallet and cash cards from 08:00 to 12:00 hours.
6. There is only one booking in one user login session except for return/onward journey between 08:00 to 12:00 hours.
To further prevent any possible misuse, Ministry of Railways has now decided that effective from 15th February, 2016, a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked online by an individual user in a month on IRCTC website. This will replace the existing system under which a maximum of 10 tickets can be booked online through IRCTC website in a month by an individual. However, the existing condition will continue wherein these booking will be subject to a limit of booking 2 opening Tatkal tickets in 10:00- 12:00 hours period in a day and 2 opening Advance Reservation Period (ARP) tickets in 08:00-10:00 hours period in a day. 

This has been done keeping in view the analysis of usage of quota of 10 tickets which indicated that 90% of users are booking upto 6 tickets in a given month and only 10% are making more than 6 tickets. It is suspected that the 10% users might be involved in touting activities. Therefore to deter such touts and to facilitate genuine users, it has been decided that a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked by an individual user in a month.

Discontinuation of Interview at Lower Level Posts

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Estt. B Section
Discontinuation of Interview at Lower Level Posts

The Prime Minister in his address to the nation on the Independence Day has stressed the need to discontinue holding interviews for recruitment for such junior level posts where personality assessment is not an absolutely necessary requirement.

He has called upon the Government Organizations’ to end this practice at the earliest as it will help in curbing corruption, more objective selection in transparent manner substantially easing the problems of poor people.
He has emphasized that the recruitment should be made on merit basis through transparent, online processes leading to less Government and more Governance.

The Department of Personnel and Training on the basis of recommendations made by the Committee of Secretaries has already taken a decision to discontinue interviews at the junior level posts at Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted), Group ‘C’ ,Group ‘D’ (which are now reclassified as Group ‘C’) and all equivalent posts.
All the advertisement for future vacancies will be without the Interview as part of the recruitment process. From 1 st January 2016 there will be no recruitment with interview at the junior level posts, in Government of India Ministries/Departments/attached Office/Subordinate Office/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings.

The interviews will be done away even in cases where the selections were made purely on basis of performance in the interview. The Ministries/Departments/Organizations’ will consider revising the scheme for selection for such cases.

As the Skill Test or Physical Test is different from Interview they may continue. However these tests will only be of qualifying nature. Assessment will not be done on the basis of marks for such tests.

The decision to discontinue interview for the junior level posts across the country will be major step towards achieving the objectives of citizen centric transparent governance.

The matter has also been taken up with the State Governments/UTs to undertake similar exercise, from time to time. In this regard letters from Secretary (Personnel) to the State Chief Secretaries have been issued on 4th September 2015 and letters from MoS(PP) to the State Chief Ministers have been issued on 29th September 2015 and 1st January 2015.

To Facilitate the implementation of the directions of the Hon’ble Prime Minister further by the various  Organizations/Ministries/Departments/Governments a one day workshop was also organized by the DOPT on 16 th November 2015.

Some of the State Government have shared the status in this regard with the DOPT. The Summary of the State Responses on the Discontinuation of Interview is as follows:

Manipur It was informed that the State Government had undertaken the recruitment of Graduate Teachers under the Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyaan (RMSA) without conducting interview. This measure was successfully undertaken and was completely transparent and corruption free. It was informed that the second pilot measure in this regard is being undertaken by the Health Department.
Punjab Some of the Departments have already implemented the decision and that there has been no problem with completely doing away with interviews for the posts of SDO in Irrigation Department, Senior Assistant in Secretariat and for a few lower level posts in Agro Industry Department.
Rajasthan The representative from Rajasthan informed that interviews have been discontinued in some posts and retained in some of them. For Class 3/Ministerial staff and Group D/Class 4 level recruitment, there have been no interview. Similarly for Constable, there have been only written test and physical test. The interviews have been dispensed away for all the posts under the Rajasthan Education Service Rules,1970.
Maharashtra Interviews for the recruitment of the clerks have been discontinued. For Class 2 non-Gazetted, Class 3 and 4 posts, interviews have been done away .The State Government has taken a decision and issued directions to the effect that the decision of discontinuation of Interview will also be applicable to all State Government undertakings and local bodies. About 61% of the recruitment is done without Interview.
Uttarakhand The state Government has abolished interviews in the group ‘C’ and ‘B (non gazetted). There has been no interview in Class 3/4 levels of posts.
Jharkhand No interview in ‘D’, ‘C’, and ‘B’ (non-gazetted)
Kerala At present no interview are there for group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts and even for some of the gazetted posts.
Sikkim For Group D/Class 4 level posts there are no interviews. At Group C/III level, for 90% of posts there are no interviews.
Himachal Pradesh There is a proposal to discontinue interview for Group C and Group B Posts
Haryana No interviews at Group ‘D’ level
Tamil Nadu The recruitment is done by the following four recruitment boards and the status vis-à-vis conducting the interview is as follows:- 1) Uniform Services Board- No interview
2) Medical Services Board- No interview
3) Teachers Recruitment Board —No interview
4) Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) — has assorted posts in which there is some degree of posts with interviews.
In the State 85% of the total posts do not have interview as a part of recruitment process.
Telangana Teachers — no interviews
Uttar Pradesh No more interview for teachers
Puducherry Notification for discontinuation of interviews for Groups C, D, and non-gazetted Group B has been issued.
Daman & Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli No interviews in Group B (non gazetted), C and D posts. They have issued a recruitment pattern.
Disclaimer: The above status is based on the information provided by the State/UT representatives’ in the workshop held in New Delhi on 16.11.2015.


Promotion of Government Servants exonerated after retirement — Procedure and Guidelines to be followed

Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement — Procedure and Guidelines to be followed – Regarding.

 No.22011/3/2013-Estt (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated- 25.01.2016
Subject:- Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement — Procedure and Guidelines to be followed – Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 22011/4/91-Estt(A) dated 14 th September, 1992 regarding procedure and guidelines to be followed by DPC in respect of Government servants against whom disciplinary/court proceedings are pending or whose conduct is under investigation. In case the Government servant is covered under any of the three conditions as mentioned in Para 2 of OM dated 14.09.1992, the recommendations of the DPC are to be kept in ‘sealed cover’ and subsequent action regarding opening of sealed cover will depend on the outcome of the disciplinary/criminal proceedings.

2. If on conclusion of the disciplinary/ criminal proceedings, the Government servant is exonerated, the procedure prescribed in para 3 of the OM dated 14-9-1992 is to be followed. This provides as under:-
“On the conclusion of the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution which results in dropping of allegations against the Govt. servant, the sealed cover or covers shall be opened. In case the Government servant is completely exonerated the due date of his promotion will be determined with reference to the position assigned to him in the findings kept in the sealed cover/covers and with reference to the date of promotion of his next junior on the basis of such position. The Government servant may be promoted, if necessary, by reverting the junior most officiating person. He may be promoted notionally with reference to the date of promotion of his junior.

However, whether the officer concerned will be entitled to any arrears of pay for the period of notional promotion preceding the date of actual promotion, and if so to what extent, will be decided by the appointing authority by taking into consideration all the facts and circumstances of the disciplinary proceedings/criminal prosecution. Where the authority denies arrears of salary or part of it, it will record its reasons for doing so. It is not possible to anticipate and enumerate exhaustively all the circumstances under which such denials of arrears of salary or part of it may become necessary. However, there may be cases where the proceedings, whether disciplinary or criminal, are, for example delayed at the instance of the employee or the clearance in the disciplinary proceedings or acquittal in the criminal proceedings is with benefit of doubt or on account of non availability of evidence due to the acts attributable to the employee etc. These are only some of the circumstances where such denial can be justified.”

3. The applicability of above provisions in so far as it relates to cases where the Government Servant, who has retired by the time he is exonerated of all the charges has been considered in respect of the following cases:
i. Where the promotion order pertaining to the relevant DPC has been issued  and the officers empanelled have assumed charge prior to the date of  superannuation of the retired Government Servant; and
ii. The retired Government Servant would have been in service and assumed  charge of the post had the disciplinary proceeding not been initiated against him/her.
4. It has been decided in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Department of Pensions & Pensioners’ Welfare and the Department of Legal Affairs that notional promotion and payment of arrears of pay, if any, for the period of notional promotion till the date of retirement to such a retired Government servant if found fit on opening of the sealed cover is to be decided by the appointing authority in terms of Para 3 of OM No.22011/4/91 -Estt. (A) dated 14/9/1992.

5. A retired Government employee who is considered for notional promotion from the  date of promotion of his next junior after opening of the sealed cover would also be entitled to fixation of pension on the basis of such notional pay on his notional promotion.

6. The provisions contained in this Office Memorandum shall become operational from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. Past cases settled in accordance with the earlier provisions shall not be reopened.

(Gayatri Mishra)
Director (E-I)
Phone No. 23092479
Original Order

PM to Review Performance of Ministries every month

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday took exception to the complaints and grievances related to the customs and excise sector and directed strict action against the officials responsible.

PM to Review Performance of Ministries every month

PM to Review Performance of Ministries every month – He asked the Secretaries, to set up a system for top-level monitoring of grievances, a PMO statement said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting of his Council of Ministers on Wednesday evening to review the implementation of the decisions of at least four Ministries, and earmarked the second Wednesday of every month for such a review of selected Ministries. The next meeting of the whole Council of Ministers is scheduled for February 10.

The Ministries that made presentations on Wednesday included Chemicals and Fertilizers, Food and Consumer Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development. Of these, the largest number of Cabinet decisions, sources said, was in the Chemicals and Fertilizers Ministry, headed by Ananth Kumar. “There were 60-62 decisions that were examined in the presentation,” said a senior official in the government.

A Minister present at the meeting said that Mr. Modi was interested in knowing the reasons for not implementing certain decisions as fast as they should have been.

There was talk that this meeting was a n appraisal that may lead to a Cabinet reshuffle. “As of now, however, it seems that the meetings are a way of giving even junior Ministers some exposure on how the totality of government works and foster some team spirit,” the Minister said.

Lax officials warned of action

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday took exception to the complaints and grievances related to the customs and excise sector and directed strict action against the officials responsible.

He asked the Secretaries, to set up a system for top-level monitoring of grievances, a PMO statement said. He was chairing the meeting of PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation).

Source: The Hindu

Secretaries committee to screen 7th Pay Commission report

Secretaries committee to screen 7th Pay Commission report

Government has set up a 13-member Empowered Committee of Secretaries (CoS) headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha for processing the report of the 7th Central Pay Commission, which has bearing on remuneration of 47 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners.

“The Empowered Committee will function as a screening committee to screen the recommendations of the Commission after taking into account the views of the concerned stakeholders… so as to firm up the final conclusion for approval of the Cabinet,” said the today’s Office Memorandum No.1-4/2015-E.III(A) of the Finance Ministry.

The implementation of the new pay scales is estimated to put an additional burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on the exchequer in 2016-17. Subject to acceptance by the government, they will take effect from January 1, 2016.

The final recommendations of the committee will be submitted for approval of the Cabinet.

On January 13, the Cabinet had approved setting up of the panel.

The committee has secretaries from ministries of Home Affairs and Defence. It has secretaries from department of personnel and training, pension and PW, revenue, expenditure, posts, health, and science and technology. Chairman of Railway Board, Deputy CAG and Secretary (Security) in the Cabinet Secretariat are also on the panel.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had earlier said that he was not worried about fiscal deficit and government would be able to meet its target despite additional outgo on account of higher pay.

He had however admitted that the impact of implementing the recommendations, which will result in an additional annual burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on exchequer, would last for two to three years.


Members of Empowered Committee for processing the Report of the 7th Pay Commission

Constitution of Empowered Committee of Secretaries for processing the Report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Finance Ministry Orders on 27.1.2016

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, dated the 27th January, 2016

Subject: Constitution of Empowered Committee of Secretaries for processing the Report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission
It has been decided with the approval of the Cabinet to set up an Empowered Committee of Secretaries to process the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
The Committee will have the following members :
1. Cabinet Secretary           Chairman
2.             Finance Secretary/Secretary (Expenditure)  Member
3.             Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training                Member
4.             Secretary, Department of Pension & PW             Member
5.             Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs                   Member
6.             Secretary, Ministry of Defence            Member
7.             Secretary, Department of Revenue                      Member
8.             Secretary, Department of Post            Member
9.             Secretary, Department of Health           Member
10.             Secretary, Department of Science & Technology       Member
11.             Chairman, Railway Board                     Member
12.             Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General            Member
13.             Secretary (Security), Cabinet Secretariat          Member

2. The Committee may co-opt any other Secretary, whenever found necessary.

3. The Empowered Committee will function as a Screening Committee to screen the recommendations of the Commission after taking into account the views of the concerned stakeholders, viz, the Ministries/Departments, Staff Associations and the JCM, so as to firm up the final conclusions for approval of the Cabinet.
4. The Implementation Cell created in the Department of Expenditure shall function as Secretariat for the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.
5. The final recommendations of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries will be submitted for approval of the Cabinet.
(Annie George Mathew)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Authority :

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Immovable Property Return the year 2015 (as on 31.12.2015) – Dopt Instructions

Immovable Property Return the year 2015 (as on 31.12.2015) – Dopt Instructions

No. 26/2/2015-CS.I (PR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Navak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated 27th January. 2016


Subject: Immovable Property Return the year 2015 (as on 31.12.2015)

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments Office Memorandums of even number dated 21.12.2015 and 18.01.2016 on the subject cited above (available at -> DOPT -> Central Secretairat -> CSS -> Property Return).

2. A large number of CSS Officers have not yet submitted the Immovable  Properly Return for the year 2015 on 31.12.2015). As already informed,  IPR should be submitted by all CSS officers through the Web Based Cadre Management System which is hosted at However, as large number of officers are accessing the system, it has become slow making it difficult to submit the return online. As the system is web based, officers may try filing IPR beyond office hours when the system is less congested. If it is still not possible to file the return online for any reason, they should file the return in paper format to their offices by the stipulated date i.e. 31.01.2016. They may subsequently file the same through
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Click to view the order

7th CPC Recommendations : Upgradation of GP 4200, 4600 and 4800 for the Employees of the Supreme Court

7th CPC Recommendations : Upgradation of GP 4200, 4600 and 4800 for the Employees of the Supreme Court

Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court : Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 2800

Upgradation of pay has been sought for the group of posts in the present pay scale with GP 2800 to GP 4200. These include Junior Court Assistant, Chauffer, Special Process Server, Restorer Gr. I /Library Attendant Gr. I/Gestetner Operator Gr. I.

Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has noted the recommendations made by the Committee of Judges in this regard. The Committee of Judges after examination of demands made has pointed out that in view of basic qualification, nature of duties and degree of efficiency, integrity and confidentiality the post of Junior Court Assistant can be considered for an upgradation in pay.
The Commission further notes that the educational qualifications for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Court Assistant is a degree from a recognised University and knowledge of computer operations with a stipulated typing speed in computers. The information furnished to the Commission with respect to the Recruitment Rules of various posts also indicates that in all other posts carrying a GP 2800 the educational qualifications is lower than graduation and therefore equating Junior Court Assistants with these posts would not be correct. In view of the foregoing the Commission is in agreement with the views of the Committee of Judges. Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation in the pay for the post of Junior Court Assistant to GP 4200 from the existing GP 2800.

Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 4200

For the group of posts covering Court Assistant, Personal Assistant, Accountant, Cashier, the Association requested pay parity with the holders of analogous/equivalent posts in the High Court of Delhi, who are drawing pay with GP 4600.

Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has noted the recommendations made by the Committee of Judges in this regard. The Committee of Judges, after examination of demands made, agrees with the recommendation of upgradation in pay to conform to the pay of the holders of analogous posts in the High Court of Delhi.

The Commission recognises that the Supreme Court is at the apex of the hierarchy of Courts in India and hence its personnel should not be disadvantageously placed vis-à-vis the High Court of Delhi.
Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation for the post of Court Assistant, Personal Assistant, Accountant and Cashier to GP 4600 from the existing GP 4200.

Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 4600

Upgradation of pay has been sought for pay of the group of posts in the present GP 4600 to GP 4800. These include posts of Private Secretary to Additional Registrar, Sr. Personal Assistant, Senior Court Assistant, Court Associate, Editor of Paper books, Assistant Librarian,

Proof Reader, Assistant Accounts Officer (Concurrent Audit) and Building Supervisor. The justification for upgradation is that the holders of analogous posts in the High Court of Delhi are in GP 4800.

Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has been informed that the Committee of Judges, after examination of demands made, have endorsed the upgradation in pay to conform with the pay of the holders of analogous posts in the High Court of Delhi.

The Commission recognises that the Supreme Court is at the apex of the hierarchy of Courts in India and hence its personnel should not be disadvantageously placed vis-à-vis the High Court of Delhi. Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation in the pay for the post of Private Secretary to Additional Registrar, Sr. Personal Assistant, Senior Court Assistant, Court Associate, Editor of Paper Books, Assistant Librarian, Proof Reader, Assistant Accounts Officer (Concurrent Audit) and Building Supervisor to GP 4800 from the existing GP 4600. However on completion of four years approved service further non-functional upgrade to GP 5400 (PB-2) is also recommended for these posts.

7th CPC Report : Indian Army is one of the largest professional volunteer land forces in the world

7th CPC Report : Indian Army is one of the largest professional volunteer land forces in the world

Cadres of Defence Forces Personnel : Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO)/ Other Ranks (OR)


 Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO) and Other Ranks (OR) number 13.2 lakh across the three Services. JCOs/ORs can be broadly categorised in terms of their roles and skills. Roles

Army : With a strength of approximately 11 lakh, the Indian Army is one of the largest professional volunteer land forces in the world.

The cadre of the Army consists of:
i. Combat Arms (Armoured Corps, Artillery, Infantry and Mechanised Infantry)
ii. Combat Support Arms (Engineers and Signals)
iii. Specialised Cadres (AMC, ADC, RVC, AEC, CMP and APS)
iv. Logistic and Maintenance Services (ASC, AOC, EME and Pioneers).

Air Force : ‘Airmen’ comprise all ranks of combatants other than commissioned officers in the IAF. They perform a variety of functions ranging from aircrew duties on board helicopters and transport aircraft, maintenance of the most sophisticated and complex aircraft, radar, weapons and other equipment, secretariat and administrative duties involving maintenance of accounts of cash and stores, personnel documents, catering, discipline and medical care.

Navy : Every sailor is basically a seaman, irrespective of the branch to which he belongs or his trade specialisation. Seamanship duties comprise ship husbandry, hull maintenance, handling of small arms and ammunition, elementary store keeping, boat handling, firefighting, nuclear, biological and damage control as also first-aid, besides being proficient in a host of other seamanship activities such as anchor-work, rope-work, replenishment of fuel etc.


Every soldier is allotted a trade which becomes intrinsically linked to his subsequent career progression. There are numerous trades in the Army, Navy and Air Force. These have been grouped in two pay groups X and Y, as detailed in the table below:

Services Total Number of Trades and % age of Total Strength
Army 28 (2.58%) 96 (97.42%)
Navy 11 (12.00%) 42 (88.00%)
Air Force 23 (47.72%) 28 (52.28%)

The trades grouped under X require higher entry level qualification (Class XII). Entrants in group X also receive more intensive training. As against this entry level qualification for group Y is Class X only and the training.

Notifying of Recruitment Rules within ten weeks time period after the same are approved by the UPSC – Dopt Orders

Notifying of Recruitment Rules within ten weeks time period after the same are approved by the UPSC – Dopt Orders
No. AB.14017/61/2008-Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi
Dated: the 27th January, 2016

Subject:- Notifying of Recruitment Rules within ten weeks time period after the same are approved by the Union Public Service Commission – regarding.

Attention is invited to Para No. 5.2 of this Department’s O.M. No.AB.14017/48/2010-Estt.(RR) dated 31 stDecember, 2010 on framing/amendment/relaxation of Recruitment Rules wherein it has been stipulated that the Recruitment Rules or amendment(s) thereto as finally approved by the Union Public Service Commission are required to be notified within a period of 10 weeks from the date of receipt of their advice letter. This time limit should be strictly adhered to.

2. The Commission has, however, brought to the notice of this Department that even after the lapse of 10 weeks time, the Recruitment Rules pertaining to a number of posts which were advised upon by the Commission are yet to be notified.

3. Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to initiate action for notifying the Recruitment Rules as soon as the same are approved by the Commission so that the prescribed time limit of 10 weeks is adhered to.
(Gayatri Mishra)
Director (E-1)
Authority :

7th Pay Commission – Certain Positive Aspects of Recommendations made

7th Pay Commission – Certain Positive Aspects of Recommendations made

Here are some aspects of 7th Pay Commission report which are much beneficial to Central Government Employees. If Govt accepts these recommendations as such overall compensation package of Central Government Employees will be more attractive.

7th Pay Commission – Certain Positive Aspects of Recommendations made in the 7th CPC Report mainly in the areas of Central Government Employees Welfare measures and Retirement Schemes.

Though 7th Pay Commission report failed to convince Central Government Employees in pay and allowances front, there are certain positive aspects in the recommendations which mainly relate to welfare measures, compensation and Retirement benefits. In the following paragraphs we would be discussing those which might surely improve overall Compensation package of central government employees in the long run.
7th Pay Commission’s decision to retain CPI-IW with base Year 2001=100 for determining Dear Allowance rate:

As demanded by various Central Government Employees Federations 7th CPC has proposed for retaining All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial Workers) with base year 2001=100. This means the allowance offered by govt to compensate inflation would continue to be calculated in the same as it is done presently, after deducting the quantum of DA (@ 125% for 126%) that is to be merged with pre-revised pay.

Dearness Allowance with effect from 1st January 2016 =[ (Avg of AICPI for the period from January 2015 to December 2015 – 115.76)*100/115.76] – 125 (or) 126

Interestingly, the earlier Pay Commission (6CPC) had proposed for adopting to new series of index (CPI-IW with base year 2001=100) which was later accepted by Govt. This measure needed adjustment in the calculation formula in respect of dearness allowance with effect from 1st January 2006 in the form of linking factor of 4.63 between base year 1982=100 and 2001=100

7th Pay Commission as well as Government could justify in retaining CPI-IW with base year 2001=100 as new series of the index with base year 2015=100 is yet to be unveiled.

A new series of CPI-IW for DA Calculation means adjustments from old base year to new base year using linking factor and rounding-off which would surely put breaks on higher DA to Central Government Employees. So, 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations on retaining the present series of CPI-IW for DA purpose is welcome one.

Enhanced Central Government Employees General Insurance Scheme Coverage up to Rs. 50 lakh:

7th Pay Commission Recommended Rates of CGEGIS

Level of Employee
Monthly Deduction
Insurance Amount
10 and above
6 to 9
1 to 5

Increase in Gratuity ceiling to Rs. 20 lakh with DA indexed Gratuity for the first time:

7th Pay Commission proposed that ceiling in respect of Gratuity will have to be increased from the existing Rs.10 lakh to Rs.20 lakh.

Moreover, for the first time DA indexed Gratuity viz., increase by 25 percent whenever DA rises by 50 percent has been introduced by the Commission. This measure would surely compensate the inflation factor as gratuity of Rs. 20 lakh received by a retiring employee in 2016 will never be equal to the same amount received by another in 2025.

Further, 7th Pay Commission has proposed that 20 times of monthly emoluments is to be paid as gratuity for employees who intend to retire after serving 10 year of service but before 20 years of service. Presently, 10 times of monthly emoluments is being paid for length of service between 10 years to 20 years.

Child Care Leave extended Single Male Central Government Employees also:

Child Care Leave (CCL) is granted to women employees presently for a maximum period of two years (i.e., 730 days) during their entire service for taking care of their minor children (up to eighteen years of age).

In addtion to women employees, 7th CPC has propsed that a male employee who is single, will also be entited to Child Care Leave.

House Building Advance (HBA) – Loan Ceiling increased to Rs. 25 lakh:

As far Housing loan extended by Govt to its employees is concerned the Commission proposes 34 times of Basic Pay or Rs.25 lakh OR anticipated price of house, whichever is least. This is more than three times higher than the present level.

Chidren Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy increased by 1.5 times – whenever DA increases by 50%, these two reimbursements will be increased by 25%

CEA (Rs pm) 1500×1.5 = 2250 Whenever DA increases by 50%, CEA shall increase by 25%
Hostel Subsidy (Rs pm) 4500 x 1.5 = 6750 (ceiling) Whenever DA increases by 50%, Hostel
Subsidy shall increase by 25%

7th Pay Commission recommends Higher Grade Pay for certain Posts in Central Government Service considering the service conditions:

On the basis of nature of work and anomalies, 7th Pay Commission has recommended higher grade pay for certain cadres.

Post wise higher grade pay recommended list is given below.

Sl.No Ministry / Dept Name of the Post Present 6cpc Grade Pay (Rs.) New Grade Pay recommended by 7th Pay Commission (Rs)
1. Railways Dietitians 4200 4600
2. Railways Senior Dietitians 4600 4800
3. Railways Assistant Dietetic Officer 4800 5400 (in PB-2)
4. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Junior Radiographer 2000 2800
5. Railways Perfusionists 2400 4200
6. CGHS Dental Hygienists 2400 4200
7. Defence Russian Officers Translators 4600 5400
8. Defence Russian Senior Officers Translators 5400 6600
9. Defence Russian Editors 6600 7600
10. Central Sheep Breeding Farm Sheep Shearer cum Supervisor 1800 2400
11 Indian Postal Service Inspector 4200 4600
12. Indian Postal Service ASPOs 4800 5400
National Archives of India
Assistant Archivists 4200 4600
14. National Archives of India Archivists 4600 4800
15. National Archives of India Scientific Officer 4600 4800, 5400(12 yrs)
16. All Ministries Officers in organised accounts cadres 4800 5400
17. Dr. RML Hospital Junior ECG Technician/Junior Cardiac Technician 2400 2800
18. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Junior Agriculture Assistant/Junior Soil    Conservation    Assistant 2400 2800
19. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Bus Conductors 1800 1900
20. Mines Senior Technical Assistants (STAs) 4200 4600
JTA, Store Keeper, 2800 4200
Assistant Store Keeper 1900 2400
Electrical Supervisor 2800 4200
Laboratory Assistant 2400 2800
Machine Man, Junior Press Assistant 1800 1900
26 CBI Sub Inspector 4200 4600
Inspector 4600 4800
28 Railways Assistant Station Master (ASM) 2800 4200
29 Railways Commercial Clerks + Enquiry Cum Reservation Clerks (ECRCs)+Ticket Checking staff (TTEs and TCs)= Commercial and Ticketing Staff 1900 2400 2000 2800
30 Railways Accounts 4800 5400
31 Railways Chemical  and  Metallurgical  Assistants 4600 5400
32 Shipping Head Light Keeper 4200 4600
33 Shipping Navigational Assistant Gr.II 2800 4200
34 Shipping Navigational Assistant Gr.III 2400 2800
35 Shipping Light House Attendant 1800 1900
36 Statistics Director General, Central Statistics Office HAG+ L17
37 Textiles Technical Officers 4200 4600
38 Textiles Assistant Director Gr. II (Technical) 4600 4800
39 Town and Country Planning Organisation Planning Assistants 4200 4600
40 Central Water Commission (CWC) Senior Research Assistant 4200 4600
41 Central Water Commission (CWC) Assistant Research Officer 4600 4800
42 Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) Technical Operator (Drilling) 1800 1900
43 National Academies heads of National Academies
Apex Scale Rs.80000
Intelligence Bureau (IB)
ACIO-II 4600 4800
45 Intelligence Bureau (IB) ACI


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