Thursday, May 2, 2013

Seniority of officers holding posts/grades in grades merged in pursuance of recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission

Governemnt of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi.
Dated the 30th April, 2013

Sub:- Seniority of officers holding posts/grades in grades merged in pursuance of recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.
The undersigned is directed to intite attention to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 13.09.2012 which laid down guidelines to be followed in determination of seniority of grade(s) merged in pursuance to recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission.
2. The erstwhile Group 'D' (now merged MTS Grade) having different designation as sanctioned in defferent Ministries/Departments had following pay scale(s) :-

S.No.Pre-revised Pay Scales (in Rs.)Revised Pay Scales (in Rs.)
12550-55-2660-3200PB-1 5200-20200 1800

3. The issue of seniority of merged MTS Grae (erstwhile Group 'D' post) has been examined in consultation with UPSC. The post(s) in the erstwhile Group 'D' for the purpose of determination of seniority, can be grouped into five different categories as under :

S.No.Pre-revised Pay Scales of the postCategory

The determination of seniority of merged grade will be regulated as per following guidelines:
I. As on 29.08.2008, holders of posts in Category-I will be enbloc senior to the holder of posts in Category-

II, similarly holder of the posts in Category-II will be senior to holder of the posts in Category-III and so on.
II. While merging the different grade(s), the inter se seniority in a post which existed as on 29.08.2008 is to be maintained.
III. Within same category, where different stand alone posts have been merged, inter se seniority will be determined based on length of continuous officiation in the post.
IV. Only the regular service in the grade is to be counted for determination of service and ad-hoc service, if any, is to be ignored.
V. Seniority is to be determined based on the substantive post held by the employee irrespective of the fact that such employee has been allowed financial upgradation to the next higher grade under ACP Scheme or any other scheme.
VI. In case of employees who joined a erstwhile Group ‘D’ post either by promotion or direct recruitment between 01.01.2006 to 29.08.2008, inter-se seniority will be determined as per guidelines laid down in this
Department’s O.M. of even number dated 13.09.2012.
5. Hindi version will follow.  

(Virender Sigh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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