Op Rhino- Concessions to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks including Defence Civilians deployed Civilians deployed in CI Operation
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, dated 25th April, 2019
ToThe Chief of the Army Staff
New Delhi
Subject: Op Rhino - Concessions to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks including Defence Civilians deployed in CI Operation
I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 5th September, 2017 on the above subject and to convey the sanction of the competent authority to the grant of concessions mentioned in this Ministry's letter of even number dated 10th Jan 1992 read with this Ministry's letter No. 37269/ CI/AG/PS- 3(a)/121/ D(Pay/ Services) dated 14 Jan 1994, as amended, w.e.f. 15th Dec., 2017 to 30th June, 2019 or till the termination of Op Rhino, whichever is earlier.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their I.D. No. 5(21)/ 2002-AG(RA)/ 110-PA dated 25/04/ 2019.
Yours faithfully,
( Arun Kumar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: MoD( Arun Kumar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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