Grave Injustice done by successive Pay Commissions to the category of Junior Engineers and Senior Engineers in Railways - NFIR
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grave injustice done by successive Pay Commissions to the category of Junior Engineers and Senior Engineers in Railways-growing dissatisfaction, discontentment and frustration among Technical Supervisors - kind intervention requested.
The Junior Engineers and Senior Section Engineers in the Railways are field level Supervisors whose contribution for safe and efficient running of the system has been very significant. These Engineers ensure quality and efficiency in the course of performing their duties on Open Line/Construction and as well in Workshops/Production Units. Unfortunately, this core section of Supervisors has not been looked after matching with their duties and responsibilities over a period of time, consequently their pay structure as on date, got relegated to two levels only i.e. Pay Level 6 & 7 (7th CPC).
An honest review into the pay structure existed decades back for these Supervisory Staff and fair comparison with that of 5th, 6th & 7th CPC Pay Structures would establish the truth that these vital field leaders have been subjected to grave injustice, which led to deep sense of frustration among them. The following table reveals how the Junior Engineers and Senior Section Engineers have been put to perpetual injustice not only by the Pay Commissions but also at the hands of Ministry of Railways.
NFIR has been fighting for the cause of this neglected category at all fora, demanding review and justice. Though in the year 2006, the Railway Board had agreed for upgradation of 15% apex level Group 'C' posts to Group 'B' Gazetted, for facilitating promotion-of Senior Supervisors and written commitment was also given by the full Board on 7th February 2014, but sadly till date no positive results have emerged.
Railway Board have also given incorrect picture to the 7th CPC stating that these Engineers get promoted from one grade to the other on completion of every four years service. This incorrect position led the VIIth CPC not to recommend appropriate improved pay structure.
It is disheartening to mention that those technocrats recruited from Open Market through RRBs as Sr. Section Engineer (GP 4600 of 6th CPC/Level 7 of 7th CPC) have no career growth at all, due to non-provision of higher pay levels in the cadre structure, with tie result large percentage of these Engineers stagnated. In this context, NFIR brings to the kind notice of CRB that during 3rd CPC period the apex pay scale of Rs. 840-1040 & 840-1200 was allotted to the Technical Supervisors and these scales were higher than the pay scale of Group 'B' Gazetted Officer, but sadly the said position got demolished, causing demoralizing effect on Technical Supervisors who are the core Supervisory force accountable for safety, efficiency, punctuality and productivity.
NFIR has already taken up this issue through its PNM agenda given to Railway Board on 4th January, 2018, while the related subject raised by the Federation is also pending in the Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC). A copy of NFIR's PNM Agenda Item No.03 is enclosed for kind perusal.
Incidentally, NFIR also brings to the kind notice of CRB that in the General Managers Conference held at Rail Bhavan on 1lth January, 2010, the General Secretary, NFIR had pointed out to the Hon'ble Railway Minister, the miserable plight of Track Maintainers with no carrer growth at all for them, as a result of implementation of 6th CPC Pay Structure whereby, 94% of Track
Maintainers got placed in Recruitment Grade Pay 1800/- while only 6% were placed in Gp 1900/- (benefit of Rs.100/- only p.m. on promotion). The Federation also explained to the Hon'ble Railway Minister in the GMs Conference that vast percentage of Track Maintainers retire/die in the
recruitment Grade Pay itself. Responding to NFIR's point, the Hon'ble Railway Minister had directed the Railway Board to constitute a Joint Committee to examine and propose special package.
The Committee met and reviewed the Track Maintainers cadre structure viz-a-viz working and service conditions and given its report to the Railway Ministry. After having considered the said report, the Railway Ministry had decided to grant cadre restructuring to this category, duly introducing new grade pay GP 2400/- and 2800/- respectively. This decision was taken by the
Railway Ministry independently, without approaching Ministry of Finance.
In the case of JEs/SSEs, NFIR strongly feels that total revamping of cadre structure is the need of the hour,considering multifarious duties being performed by the Supervisors who are also buffers in between the management and workers at grass root level. Though the Hon'ble Railway Minister had sought approval of Finance Ministry for placement of 75% of posts of GP 4600/- in GP 4800/- Pay Level 8, there has been no positive result till date. This reveals that the Railway Ministry has failed to deliver justice to these unfortunate Engineers who are the backbone of the system and
contributing for improved efficiency of the Railways. It may also be noted that the duty hours of these staff are unlimited, while they shoulder "stores/Materials" responsibilities in addition to their field duties and establishment matters.
In order to mitigate the problems and ensure justice to JEs/SSEs of Indian Railways, NFIR requests the Railway Board (CRB) to kindly get examined the Pay Structure of JEs/SSEs denovo, taking into account the cadre structure from 3rd CPC and onwards for the purpose of granting revised cadre structure. In this context, NFIR proposes the following for early consideration and approval.
Federation hopes that the Railway Board (CRB) would kindly give personal attention to this issue, so as to mitigate the injustice caused to JEs/SSEs of Indian Railways.
DA/As above
Source: NFIR
No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC (Imp)20l7/R.B.-Part II
Dated: 19/02/2018
The Chairman,Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grave injustice done by successive Pay Commissions to the category of Junior Engineers and Senior Engineers in Railways-growing dissatisfaction, discontentment and frustration among Technical Supervisors - kind intervention requested.
The Junior Engineers and Senior Section Engineers in the Railways are field level Supervisors whose contribution for safe and efficient running of the system has been very significant. These Engineers ensure quality and efficiency in the course of performing their duties on Open Line/Construction and as well in Workshops/Production Units. Unfortunately, this core section of Supervisors has not been looked after matching with their duties and responsibilities over a period of time, consequently their pay structure as on date, got relegated to two levels only i.e. Pay Level 6 & 7 (7th CPC).
An honest review into the pay structure existed decades back for these Supervisory Staff and fair comparison with that of 5th, 6th & 7th CPC Pay Structures would establish the truth that these vital field leaders have been subjected to grave injustice, which led to deep sense of frustration among them. The following table reveals how the Junior Engineers and Senior Section Engineers have been put to perpetual injustice not only by the Pay Commissions but also at the hands of Ministry of Railways.

Railway Board have also given incorrect picture to the 7th CPC stating that these Engineers get promoted from one grade to the other on completion of every four years service. This incorrect position led the VIIth CPC not to recommend appropriate improved pay structure.
It is disheartening to mention that those technocrats recruited from Open Market through RRBs as Sr. Section Engineer (GP 4600 of 6th CPC/Level 7 of 7th CPC) have no career growth at all, due to non-provision of higher pay levels in the cadre structure, with tie result large percentage of these Engineers stagnated. In this context, NFIR brings to the kind notice of CRB that during 3rd CPC period the apex pay scale of Rs. 840-1040 & 840-1200 was allotted to the Technical Supervisors and these scales were higher than the pay scale of Group 'B' Gazetted Officer, but sadly the said position got demolished, causing demoralizing effect on Technical Supervisors who are the core Supervisory force accountable for safety, efficiency, punctuality and productivity.
NFIR has already taken up this issue through its PNM agenda given to Railway Board on 4th January, 2018, while the related subject raised by the Federation is also pending in the Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC). A copy of NFIR's PNM Agenda Item No.03 is enclosed for kind perusal.
Incidentally, NFIR also brings to the kind notice of CRB that in the General Managers Conference held at Rail Bhavan on 1lth January, 2010, the General Secretary, NFIR had pointed out to the Hon'ble Railway Minister, the miserable plight of Track Maintainers with no carrer growth at all for them, as a result of implementation of 6th CPC Pay Structure whereby, 94% of Track
Maintainers got placed in Recruitment Grade Pay 1800/- while only 6% were placed in Gp 1900/- (benefit of Rs.100/- only p.m. on promotion). The Federation also explained to the Hon'ble Railway Minister in the GMs Conference that vast percentage of Track Maintainers retire/die in the
recruitment Grade Pay itself. Responding to NFIR's point, the Hon'ble Railway Minister had directed the Railway Board to constitute a Joint Committee to examine and propose special package.
The Committee met and reviewed the Track Maintainers cadre structure viz-a-viz working and service conditions and given its report to the Railway Ministry. After having considered the said report, the Railway Ministry had decided to grant cadre restructuring to this category, duly introducing new grade pay GP 2400/- and 2800/- respectively. This decision was taken by the
Railway Ministry independently, without approaching Ministry of Finance.
In the case of JEs/SSEs, NFIR strongly feels that total revamping of cadre structure is the need of the hour,considering multifarious duties being performed by the Supervisors who are also buffers in between the management and workers at grass root level. Though the Hon'ble Railway Minister had sought approval of Finance Ministry for placement of 75% of posts of GP 4600/- in GP 4800/- Pay Level 8, there has been no positive result till date. This reveals that the Railway Ministry has failed to deliver justice to these unfortunate Engineers who are the backbone of the system and
contributing for improved efficiency of the Railways. It may also be noted that the duty hours of these staff are unlimited, while they shoulder "stores/Materials" responsibilities in addition to their field duties and establishment matters.
In order to mitigate the problems and ensure justice to JEs/SSEs of Indian Railways, NFIR requests the Railway Board (CRB) to kindly get examined the Pay Structure of JEs/SSEs denovo, taking into account the cadre structure from 3rd CPC and onwards for the purpose of granting revised cadre structure. In this context, NFIR proposes the following for early consideration and approval.

DA/As above
Yours Faithfully,
General Secretary
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
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