Allowances under long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT- Reg
Block No. IV, 3rd Floor, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi-67 Dated 17.10.2016
ToNew Delhi-67 Dated 17.10.2016
1. The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/ UTs.
2. The Secretaries of all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India.
Subject: Allowances under long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT - reg.
The Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India has been sponsoring the names of suitable officers every year for undergoing training in various universities/institutions abroad under the Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme. The entitlement of nominated officers for various allowances under the scheme was notified vide this Department's letter no 12037114/2014-FTC dated 19.01.2011. In partial modification of the above letter, it has been decided to replace pare 3.1 (ii) Accommodation charges as under:
3.1 (ii) Accommodation
University accommodation should be taken. The same to be paid as per actual, subject to it being for a single bedroom accommodation. In case the University accommodation is very limited and not available to all officers nominated for the programme, then University empanelled accommodation can be taken. University recommended/empanelled accommodation to be treated at par with the University accommodation. The accommodation allowance will be paid on actual. As per the rent recommended by the University, restricted to the maximum paid for the University accommodation for the same programme. In case where both the University accommodation and University recommended accommodation are not available, the accommodation allowance may be given at the rate of US $ 750 p.m and US $1000 p.m in normal cities and big cities respectively, subject to the condition that the officer would need to submit a certificate from that University /Institute to the effect that University/Institute accommodation/recommended accommodation is not available.
Further, as a matter of policy, accommodation and living allowances shall be paid for the period of training including one week (7 days) at the beginning of the programme and one week (7 days) at the end of the programme, subject to the total period of training being within one year.
The other provisions of the letter remain unchanged.
Yours faithfully,
(Deepika Lohia Aran)
DoPT Order(Deepika Lohia Aran)
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