Posting of regular Under Secretary and posting on promotion to the grade of Under Secretary on ad hoc basis seeking options.
No. 5/7/20 16-CS.I(U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
(Department of Personnel & Training)
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi 3
Dated the 22nd September, 2016
Khan Market, New Delhi 3
Dated the 22nd September, 2016
Subject: Posting of regular Under Secretary and posting on promotion to the grade of Under Secretary on ad-hoc basis seeking options regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that it is proposed to promote 71 officers to the grade of Under Secretary on ad hoc basis against the existing vacancies. In addition, posting of 1 Under Secretary who is under posting in CS Division is also to be decided.
2. The vacancies proposed to be filled up and details of the officers who are to be considered for posting are given in the Annexures to this OM. The vacancies include vacancies on account of retirement / VRS / long leave / long training /deputation / promotion to OS grade, etc. Ministries I Departments are requested to verify the vacancy position and in case of any discrepancy the same may be brought to the notice of this Department immediately.
3. The officers are requested to exercise their option for posting as per RTP by 1.00 PM on 23.09.2016. The options may be submitted at the e mail address given below as per enclosed proforma. Posting of officers will be decided in terms of Rotational Transfer Policy. If option is not received from the officers by the stipulated time, it will be presumed that the officer concerned has no specific choice and posting will be decided by the Placement Committee accordingly. Officers who have been retained in their present Ministry / Department are requested not to submit their option for posting.
4. The officers concerned should also ensure that their data is complete in all respects in the web based cadre management system at If the data is not complete it should be first got updated through the nodal officer of the Ministry / Department / CS.I Division before submitting the option. If the data is not complete in the web based system, the officer concerned will not be considered for promotion I posting.
(Raju Saraswat)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 24629412/ Telefax: 24629414
Vacancies in US grade in Ministries / Departments
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