BPMS has decided that all the affiliated Unions will support the indefinite strike from 11th July 2016

Ref : BPMS / CIRCULAR / 17th TC / 07
Dated : 30th Jun 2016
The Office Bearers & CEC Members BPMS
President / Secretary of Unions
Affiliated to BPMS
The Office Bearers & CEC Members BPMS
President / Secretary of Unions
Affiliated to BPMS
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar.
Sadar Namaskar.
1. As we are aware that after a long
deliberation between the stake holders and the Departments/Ministries,
concerned Secretaries had submitted their recommendations on the 7th CPC
to the Empowered Committee and after considering it, the Central
Cabinet has accepted the recommendations of the 7th CPC on 29th June
2016 ignoring the submissions of this Federation.
2. The Govt has not enhanced the Minimum
Pay from Rs 18000/- to 24000/-, Multiplying Factor from 2.57 to 3.42,
rate of increment from 3% to 5%, non-merging of any of the pay scale of
Group ‘C’, non-resolving the issue of MACP etc.
3. This has caused discontentment
amongst the employees. It has to be kept in the mind that the then
Defence & Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley and MoS of PMO Dr.
Jitendra Singh had assured the delegation of BPMS/BMS to resolve the
above issues in favour of the employees. But now the Govt has reneged to
its promises.
4. In this situation, Bhartiya Mazdoor
Sangh, Govt Employees National Confederation & BPMS have decided to
observe an agitational programme with immediate effect till 08th July
2016. In this agitational programme, Gate Meetings, Slogan shouting,
Dharna, Procession, March, Demonstration at Main Gate etc will be
organized as per feasibility. On the last day (08.07.2016) unions will
submit a memorandum to respective Head of Departments & local
Hon’ble Member of Parliament addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister of
India with a copy to BPMS.
5. Further, Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra,
Convener, NJCA has requested to BPMS vide his letter (No NJC/2016/07th
CPC dated 07.06.2016) to support in the proposed indefinite strike
commencing from 11th July 2016. This Federation has considered the same
and decided that all the affiliated Unions will support the indefinite
strike from 11th July 2016.
We hope for full support and cooperation to give a great success to the programme.
With regards.
Brotherly yours,
(M P Singh)
General Secretary
(M P Singh)
General Secretary
Source: www.bpms.org.in
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