Interesting Statistics from the 7th Pay Commission Report – Part 2
Employee Age Profile
There is more or less an even spread of employees in different age groups. 22% of the employees are between 20 and 30 years while an equal percentage are between 30 and 40 years. 26% of the employees are between 40 and 50 years while the remaining 29% are between 50 and 60 years.
There are stark differences within ministries in the age profile of employees. The Ministry of Home Affairs has the highest percentage of employees in the 20 to 30 years bracket at 40%. This could be due to the fact that most of them come from the central armed forces. The Ministry of Petroleum & Ministry of Textiles, both have just 2% employees each in this age group.
In the 30 to 40 years age group, Ministry of Youth Affairs has the highest percentage at 29% and Ministry of Coal has the least at 7%. In the 40 to 50 years age group, Ministry of Tourism has the highest percentage with a whopping 65% while the Ministry of Textiles has the least percentage at 15%.
In the 50 to 60 years age group, Ministry of Textiles has the highest at 75%. Coupled with the other figures, 90% of the employees in the Ministry of Textiles are above 40 years. The Ministry of Home Affairs has only 7% employees in this age group.
Expenditure on Pay & Allowances
The Government of India extends various types of allowances to the employees apart from their regular pay. The government expenditure on pay & allowances has been steadily growing. From 51664 crore rupees in 2007-08, the expenditure went up to 129599 crore rupees in 2012-13, an increase of more than 150%. The growth has been steady except in 2010-11 where it increased only marginally.
Of the total expenditure, the highest expenditure is on the Ministry of Railways, followed by the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is only natural because they employ the maximum number of people.
Per Capita Expenditure on Pay & Allowances
The per capita expenditure on pay & allowances indicates that the government has spent Rs 3.92 lakh per employee during the financial year 2012-13 towards pay and allowances.
The highest per capita expenditure on pay & allowances is for the employees of the Ministry of External Affairs at Rs 34.95 lakh per annum. This is an aberration since it also includes pay & allowances paid abroad. Second in the list is Ministry of Renewable Energy with 10.65 lakh rupees followed by Ministry of Food Processing at 8.29 lakh rupees. Department of Electronics & IT and Ministry of Power make up the top five. The per capita expenditure for these departments & ministries is substantially higher than the average.
While the Ministry of Railways & Home Affairs have seen the highest expenditure for pay & allowances, their per capita expenditure compared to the average is not the highest. The average pay & allowances was least for the Ministry of Railways at Rs 2.97 lakh while it was Rs 4.18 lakh for Ministry of Home Affairs.
According to the 7th Central Pay Commission Report, close to 29% of the employees are in the age group of 50 to 60 years. More than 44% of the employees are in the age group of 20 to 40 years. The average per capita expenditure on pay & allowances of a central government employee is 3.92 lakh rupees for the financial year 2012-13.The Part 1 of this series looked at the number of vacancies, number of employees in various ministries/departments and number of employees by different categories in Government of India. Below are a few more interesting statistics from the CPC report.
Employee Age Profile
There is more or less an even spread of employees in different age groups. 22% of the employees are between 20 and 30 years while an equal percentage are between 30 and 40 years. 26% of the employees are between 40 and 50 years while the remaining 29% are between 50 and 60 years.

There are stark differences within ministries in the age profile of employees. The Ministry of Home Affairs has the highest percentage of employees in the 20 to 30 years bracket at 40%. This could be due to the fact that most of them come from the central armed forces. The Ministry of Petroleum & Ministry of Textiles, both have just 2% employees each in this age group.
In the 30 to 40 years age group, Ministry of Youth Affairs has the highest percentage at 29% and Ministry of Coal has the least at 7%. In the 40 to 50 years age group, Ministry of Tourism has the highest percentage with a whopping 65% while the Ministry of Textiles has the least percentage at 15%.
In the 50 to 60 years age group, Ministry of Textiles has the highest at 75%. Coupled with the other figures, 90% of the employees in the Ministry of Textiles are above 40 years. The Ministry of Home Affairs has only 7% employees in this age group.

Expenditure on Pay & Allowances
The Government of India extends various types of allowances to the employees apart from their regular pay. The government expenditure on pay & allowances has been steadily growing. From 51664 crore rupees in 2007-08, the expenditure went up to 129599 crore rupees in 2012-13, an increase of more than 150%. The growth has been steady except in 2010-11 where it increased only marginally.

Of the total expenditure, the highest expenditure is on the Ministry of Railways, followed by the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is only natural because they employ the maximum number of people.
Per Capita Expenditure on Pay & Allowances
The per capita expenditure on pay & allowances indicates that the government has spent Rs 3.92 lakh per employee during the financial year 2012-13 towards pay and allowances.
The highest per capita expenditure on pay & allowances is for the employees of the Ministry of External Affairs at Rs 34.95 lakh per annum. This is an aberration since it also includes pay & allowances paid abroad. Second in the list is Ministry of Renewable Energy with 10.65 lakh rupees followed by Ministry of Food Processing at 8.29 lakh rupees. Department of Electronics & IT and Ministry of Power make up the top five. The per capita expenditure for these departments & ministries is substantially higher than the average.

While the Ministry of Railways & Home Affairs have seen the highest expenditure for pay & allowances, their per capita expenditure compared to the average is not the highest. The average pay & allowances was least for the Ministry of Railways at Rs 2.97 lakh while it was Rs 4.18 lakh for Ministry of Home Affairs.

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