Referring the proposals for continuation of posts to Department of Expenditure: FinMin Order
No. 7(3)/E.Coord-1/2015
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Dated, the 11th September, 2015
Office Memorandum
Subject: Referring the proposals for continuation of posts to Department of Expenditure-reg.
is invited to this Department's OM No. 7(2)-E.Coord/95 dated 30.05.1995
regarding procedure for continuation/ creation of high level posts.
Some Ministries/ Departments have sought clarification from this
Department whether proposals for continuation of posts below JS level
also require approval of this Department.
The matter has been considered in this Department and with the approval
of Competent Authority it has been decided that, henceforth, proposals
only for continuation of JS and above level posts may be referred to
this Department with the approval of IFD. So far as posts below JS
level are concerned, the continuation of such posts may be decided by
the Department, in consultation with integrated Financial Division.
It is, however, clarified that if the said posts are vacant and have
come into 'deemed abolition' category, they would need to be referred to
this Department as per extant instructions for revival.
(Ravi Katyal)
Dy. Secretary
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