Review of three years time limit for making compassionate appointment.
No. AN/VIII/19001/Circular
Date: 11.12.2012.
The All PC of A(Fys)/PCsDA/CsDA
Sub: Review of three years time limit for making compassionate appointment.
A copy of DoP&T O.M. F. No.14014/3/2011-Estt (D) dated 26.07.2012 received
under Ministry of Defence letter No. 19(9)/2012/D(Lab)
dated 08.08.2012, on the above subject is forwarded herewith
for information, compliance, guidance and necessary action please.
2 It is mandated that while dealing the case for appointment
on compassionate grounds following clarification received from
DoP&T on their OM dated 26.07.2012, may be scrupulously be adhered
(i) Vide OM dated 26.07.2012 instruction dated 05.05.2003
prescribing the three years’ time limit for consideration of request for
compassionate appointment has been withdrawn. This effectively means
the instructions as issued vide OM dated 09.10.1998 is in force.
(ii) All the requests for compassionate appointment even those which
have been considered earlier and belated requests will be considered on
merit asper instructions on the subject provided a vacancy is available
(iii) Cases which have been considered as per OM dated 05.05.2003
and closed for want of vacancy can be considered again if the dependent
of diseased government servant prefer fresh application for
compassionate appointment. Such cases are to be treated as per Para 8 of
this department’s O.M dated 09.10.1998.
3. HQrs office circulars issued on the subject regarding cases where
any type of relaxation are required are still in force. The case which
require relaxation of any kind including belated requests for
compassionate appointment should be forwarded to HQrs office for
obtaining the orders of the CGDA.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Sr.Asstt.CGDA (AN)
and one more important order issued by Dopt on 5.5.2003 is reproduced for your information...
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No. 14014/19/2002-Estt(D) dated 5.5.2003
Time-limit for making compassionate appointment.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel &
Training OM No.14014/6/94-Estt(D) dated October 9, 1998 and OM
No.14014/23/99-Estt(D) dated December 3, 1999 on the above subject and
to say that the question of prescribing a time limit for making
appointment on compassionate grounds has been examined in the light
of representations received, stating that the one year limit prescribed
for grant of compassionate appointment is often resulting in depriving
genuine cases seeking compassionate appointments, on account of regular
vacancies not being available, within the prescribed period of one year
and within the prescribed ceiling of 5% of direct recruitment quota.
2. It has, therefore, been decided that if compassionate appointment to
genuine and deserving cases, as per the guidelines contained in the
above OMs is not possible in the first year, due to non-availability of
regular vacancy, the prescribed Committee may review such cases to
evaluate the financial conditions of the family to arrive at a decision
as to whether a particular case warrants extension by one more year, for
consideration for compassionate appointment by the Committee, subject
to availability of a clear vacancy within the prescribed 5% quota. If on
scrutiny by the Committee, a case is considered to be deserving, the
name of such a person can be continued for consideration for one more
3. The maximum time a person’s name can be kept under consideration for
offering Compassionate Appointment will be three years, subject to the
condition that the prescribed Committee has reviewed and certified the
penurious condition of the applicant at the end of the first and
the second year. After three years, if compassionate appointment is not
possible to be offered to the Applicant, his case will be finally
closed, and will not be considered again.
4. The instructions contained in the above mentioned OMs stand modified to the extent mentioned above.
5. The above decision may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information, guidance and necessary action.
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