Eligibility of Unmarried Daughters of Armed Forces personnel for grant of Family Pension beyond 25 years of Age
No. 2(2)/2012/D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi the 14th Dcc., 2012
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject: Eligibility of Unmarried Daughters of Armed Forces personnel for grant of Family Pension beyond 25 years of Age.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s ID
No.878/A/D(Pen/Sers)/04 dated 21.9.2004 extending the provisions of
Department of P&PW OM No. 1/19/03-P&PW (E) dated 25.08.2004 and
this Ministry’s letter No.I (3)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated 25.10.07 which
makes unmarried / widowed / divorced daughter eligible for family
pension beyond 25 years of age subject to fulfilment of other prescribed
conditions, Attention is also invited to this Ministry’s ID
No.9(6)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated 21.2.2008 under which it was clarified
in consultation with Department of P&PW that liberalised family
pension/special family pension (dependent pension) was not covered under
the provisions of this Ministry’s above said letter dated 25.10.2007. A
lot of references are being received in this Ministry for making
unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter eligible for grant of
liberalised family pension/special family pension beyond 25 years of
age, if otherwise in order.
References are also being received in this Ministry for dissolving
the provisions contained in Regulation 230(c) of Pension Regulations for
the Army Part — 1(1961) and similar provision in Pension Regulations
for Navy and Air Force, which debars unmarried daughters for continuance
of Special Family pension if they were in receipt of children allowance
even after disqualification of all other eligible heir(s).
2. The above matter is considered by the Government and it has been
decided in consultation with Department of P&PW that
unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter also be eligible for grant of
liberalised / special family pension beyond 25 years subject to
fulfilment of other prescribed conditions as hitherto fore. It has
also decided that all unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters, who were
earlier or otherwise eligible for children allowance, shall also be
sanctioned I liberalised family pension subject to other conditions
being fulfilled. The allowance, if being paid, shall be discontinued
from the date special/liberalised family pension is sanctioned under
these orders.
The provisions contained in Regulations 230(c), 239 &
240 of Pension Regulation for the Army Part - 1(1961) and similar
provisions in Pension Regulations for the Navy and Air Force shall stand
modified to that extent.
3. The family pension to unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters above
the age of 25 years shall be payable if all other eligible children
below the age of 25 years have ceased to receive family pension and
there is no disabled child to receive the family pension. Family pension
shall be payable to unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter in order of their date of birth and younger of them shall
not be eligible unless the next above has become ineligible for grant of
family pension.
4. This order will take effect from 6.9.2007 i.e., the date from
which Ordinary Family Pension was allowed to unmarried daughters by
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. 10(8)/2012/Fin/Pen dated 21.11.12.
Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to Government of India
Source: www.cgda.nic.in
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