Government to withdraw the freezing of DA will have a serious impact of the HRA of the Central Govt employees
Latest Central Government Employees News
The freezing of Dearness Allowance would have a serious effect on Central Govt Employees HRA. Pursuant to recommendations from the 7th CPC and as approved by the Govt.The HRA rates in "X" cities will be revised from 24% to 27% and in "Y" cities from 16% to 18% and in "Z" cities from 8% to 9%.No.NC-JCM-2020/CS/PM April 23, 2020
The Cabinet Secretary
Government of India,
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi
Sub: Protest against freezing of Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners.
Ref: Department of Expenditure OM No.1/ 1/2020-E-ll(B), Dt: 23/04/2020
Dear Sir,
The constituent organizations of the National Council (JCM) are very much shocked to note the arbitrary decision taken by the Government to freeze the DA to Central Govt.Employees and Dearness Relief to the Central Govt. Pensioners up to 30/06/2021. Before taking such a major policy decision the Govt. has not bothered to consult the staff side of the NC(JCM) and without even hearing the views of the staff side, the decision taken especially on a policy matter which effects the wages of the employees and the pension of the senior citizens is against the spirit of the JCM scheme. The entire 48 lakh Central Govt. Employees (including Armed Forces Personnel) and the 65 lakh Pensioners are very much disappointed against the most drastic decision taken by the Govt. against is own employees.
The Central Govt. and State Govt. employees are the one who are playing their front line role in the fight against COVID-19 Virus, by taking all risk and working in the field exposing themselves without any sufficient Personal Protective Equipment. The Railway employees, Defence Civilian employees, Postal employees and all other Central Govt. employees have already contributed their one day wages to the PM-CARES Fund. The Ordnance Factory Employees have contributed their two days wages, In the Railways , Employees belonging to different categories are deployed for various activities such as PW Tracks, signaling, Electrical and Mechanical assets, cenrunning freight trains, parcels special trains, Transport essential goods etc. Almost all the Central Government Departments are involved in one or other activities during the entire lockdown period. The Ordnance Factory Employees are directly involved in manufacturing of various Protective Equipment required for the Doctors, Nurses & Health Care Workers and for other Civil Authorities. Ignoring all these contribution of the Govt. Employees, the Govt. is targeting them on the plea of crisis arising out of COVID- 19″.
The Staff side of the National Council (JCM) is of the first view that the 48 Lakh Central Govt. Employees (including Armed Forces Personnel) and 65 lakh Pensioners do not deserve such a treatment from the Government.
A part from that many of all our affiliates of JCM Staff Side have contributed to PM-CARES Fund crores of rupees. As well as they are providing shelter, Food , Transport etc to mitigate the problem of poor employees I workers who have lost their job and everything in this Lockdown.
Moreover the freezing of DA will have a serious impact of the HRA of the Central Govt. employees. In accordance with 7th CPC recommendations and as approved by the Govt. the HRA rates will be revised from 24% to 27% in “X” cities, and from 16% to 18% in “Y” Cities and 8% to 9% in “Z” cities.
The manner in which the price for the essential commodities are rocketing sky high, DA is expected to cross 25% from 01/07/2020 on wards. Since the DA is freezed the employees will loose this hike in the HRA also.
You will appreciate that the Pensioners who are senior citizens are most vulnerable in the fight of the COVID-19 virus and any stoppage of DA in their case at this juncture is not an appreciable decision on the part of the Government.
The decision of the Govt. has subjected the Central Govt. Employees and the Pensioners to unnecessary financial hardship and mental agony when they all are on the field fighting from the front line against the spread of COVID-19 Virus through various official activities.
Therefore we request you to convey our feelings to the Hon’ble Prime Minister and also our request to reconsider the above decision of the Govt. and withdraw the same, so as to motivate the Central Govt. employees to perform their responsibilities, especially in this crisis period.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
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