Fixation of railway employee salary on promotion in the 6th CPC pay structure
No. PC-VI/2018/R-U/NFIR/1
New Delhi, dated 13-02-2020
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub: Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion in the 6th CPC pay structure.
Clarifications have been sought by some of the Zonal Railways regarding minimum pay applicable on promotion of running staff in the 6th CPC pay structure. A detailed clarification in this regard had been issued to Western Railway and North Western Railway vide Board’s letter of even no. dated 28/08/2018 clarifying the position in terms of various provisions of RS(RP) Rules. 2008. A copy of Board’s above letter dated 28/08/2018 is being forwarded to all zonal Railways/ Production units to be read along with Board’s letter No. PCVI/2018/I/ RSRP/ l dated 12/10/2018 (RBE No.158/2018) for information and necessary action.
No. PCVI/2018/RU/NFIR/1
New Delhi, dated:- 28/08/2018
General Manager, Western Railway, Mumbai.
General Manager,
North Western Railway,
(Attention: (i) Sh. Rajiv Ranjan Prasad, PCPO/NWRI (ii) Sh. Sanjay Suri, PCPO/WRI
Sub: Clarification regarding irregular fixation of pay of Running Staff promoted on or after 01/01/2006.
Ref: i) NFIR’s letter No. IV/RSAC/ Conf./Part IX dated 23/07/2018. ii) Rajkot/ Jodhpur Division’s letter dated 12.01.2018/29.06.2018 respectively. iii) Board’s letter No. PCVI/2017/ CPGRAMS/1 dated 17.08.2018 addressed to GM/WR regarding irregular pay fixation of running staff in Rajkot Division (Copy annexed).
This office is in receipt of NFIR’s letter dated 23/07/2018 (copy enclosed). wherein it has stated that there has been discrepancy in fixation of pay of Running Staff promoted on or after 01/01/2006 in Rajkot/ Jodhpur Division under Western Railway /North Western Railway respectively. In support of this, they have relied upon Rajkot/ Jodhpur Division’s letter dated 12.01.2018/29.06.2018 respectively (copy enclosed).
2. Prima facie observation of the concerned Division’s letter indicates there exists some confusion in the methodology of pay fixation of Running Staff promoted on or after 01/01/2006. As.the Railways are aware, the pay fixation of existing staff, already in service on the date of effect of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 viz. 01/01/2006, in the revised pay structure is governed by Rule 7 of above rules notified vide Gazette Notification No. GSR 643 (E) dated 04/09/2008 (RBE No.103/2008). For the above purpose, fitment tables were issued vide Board’s letter No. PCVI/2008/I/RSRP /1 dated 11/09/2008 (R.BE No. 108/2008) which are applicable to non running Staff. Since existing running Staff (already in service as on 01/01/2006) was in receipt of Dearness Allowance on Pay Element, separate fixation table were issued for fixation of their pay in revised pay structure in terms of Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules. 2008 vide Board’s letter No. PCVI/2008/I/RSRP/1 dated 12/09/2008 (RBE No. 109/2008). As prescribed in Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008, if fixation of pay as per Rule 7( 1)(A)(i) is short of minimum of applicable revised pay band (viz .Minimum of PB- 1 to PB-4 as applicable to the employee) or pay scale (applicable to HAG & higher grades), such minimum would be allowed , as laid down Rule 7(1)(ii). The provisions of Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) have already been taken care of while issuing fitment tables vide Board’s letter dated 11/09/2008 & 12/09/2008. The fitment tables are also applicable in the cases where an existing employee (already in service as on 01/01/2006 opts to have his pay fixation from a date later than 01/01 /2006, in terms of Rule 5 ,6 & 11 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 as clarified vide Clarification No.3 of Board’s letter No. PCVI/2008/I/ RSRP/ dated 25/09/2008 (RBE No. 132/2008).
3. There is no prescribed minimum, other than minimum of the applicable pay band in the case of those promoted on or after 01/01/2006, where an employee is fixed in any of the applicable pay bands. The minimum pay in pay band as prescribed in First Schedule Part A, Section II of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 and corresponding stipulation in first schedules annexed with Board’s letter dated 11/09/2008 (RBE No. 108/2008) is applicable only for direct recruits appointed on or after 01/01/2006 belonging to Running as well as non running categories. The position has been clarified in detail in Board’s letter No. PCVI/2010/I/ RSRP/1 dated 17/02/2010 (RBE No. 28/2010). As such once the pay of any existing employee (already in service as on 01/01/2006) is fixed in revised pay structure in the applicable pay band as per the provisions of Rule 7 or 11 and he is subsequently promoted to a post in same or other pay band, his fixation has tp be made as per Rule 13 Even at this stage, the minimum of applicable pay band (PB-1 to PB-4) or scale (HAG or above) as applicable is to be ensured.
4. In view of this. it is requested that the Rajkot / Jodhpur Division’s letter dated 12-01-2018/ 29-06-2018 respectively be examined in light of relevant instructions and the necessary corrective action taken and thereafter, the position be advised to this office. Further if any specific point of doubt arises, the same may be referred to this office for clarification along with the views of PFA of the Railways.
DA: As above.
(S.Balachandra Iyer)
Executive Director/Pay Commission – II
Railway Board
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