Granting of GP Rs. 5400 in PB -2 (Level 9 in Pay Matrix) on completion of four years of service in the GP Rs. 4800 (Level 8 in Pay Matrix) to ASPs on non functional basis.
Shri Arup Kumar Seal,
General Secretary,
All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Supdt. Posts,
Qtr. No. 12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square,
Civil Lines, Delhi -110054.
Sub : Granting of GP Rs. 5400 in PB -2 (Level 9 in Pay Matrix) on completion of four years of service in the GP Rs. 4800 (Level 8 in Pay Matrix) to ASPs on non functional basis.
I am directed to refer to your letter No.SG/AIAIASP/03/2018 on the above mentioned subject and to inform that the issue of granting NFSG in pre revised GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 corresponding to Level 9 to Asstt. Superintendent Posts on completion of four years of service in the pre-revised GP Rs. 4800/- (Level 8 in Pay Matrix) has been examined with following observations:-
i. The NFSG Scale is given to AAOs in P&T Accounts vide MoF OM No. 25-2/2017- IC/E.III (A) dated 18.06.2018 as per recommendations of 7th CPC in Para 11.12.140 of the report whereas there is no such recommendation for ASP cadre. Moreover, AAOs in P&T Accounts are having all India Transfer Liability and on contrast, the ASP is a Circle level cadre. Further, ASPs are enjoying Rule 38 transfer from one Circle to other whereas there is no such provision for AAOs. As such, the plea for granting NSFG to ASP cadre in line of AAO cadre as mentioned in the representation is not tenable.
ii. There is different time span in promoting IPs to ASPs in Circles as ASP is a Circle level cadre. In some Circles IPs get promotion in ASPs cadre immediately after completion of minimum qualifying years of service in IP cadre viz 3 years (now 5 years) whereas in some Circles IPs are waiting their hierarchical promotion in ASP cadre even after regular service of 10-13 years in the cadre. The NSFG Scale would not only make a huge disparity in pay among ASPs who are originally entered in IP cadre on the basis of same examination and are borne on the same IP gradation list.
Therefore, the proposal to grant NSFG to Asstt. Superintendent Posts on completion of four years of service cannot be recommended.
No. 4-1/2019-PCC
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Date : 22.04.2019
ToNew Delhi - 110001
Date : 22.04.2019
Shri Arup Kumar Seal,
General Secretary,
All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Supdt. Posts,
Qtr. No. 12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square,
Civil Lines, Delhi -110054.
Sub : Granting of GP Rs. 5400 in PB -2 (Level 9 in Pay Matrix) on completion of four years of service in the GP Rs. 4800 (Level 8 in Pay Matrix) to ASPs on non functional basis.
I am directed to refer to your letter No.SG/AIAIASP/03/2018 on the above mentioned subject and to inform that the issue of granting NFSG in pre revised GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 corresponding to Level 9 to Asstt. Superintendent Posts on completion of four years of service in the pre-revised GP Rs. 4800/- (Level 8 in Pay Matrix) has been examined with following observations:-
i. The NFSG Scale is given to AAOs in P&T Accounts vide MoF OM No. 25-2/2017- IC/E.III (A) dated 18.06.2018 as per recommendations of 7th CPC in Para 11.12.140 of the report whereas there is no such recommendation for ASP cadre. Moreover, AAOs in P&T Accounts are having all India Transfer Liability and on contrast, the ASP is a Circle level cadre. Further, ASPs are enjoying Rule 38 transfer from one Circle to other whereas there is no such provision for AAOs. As such, the plea for granting NSFG to ASP cadre in line of AAO cadre as mentioned in the representation is not tenable.
ii. There is different time span in promoting IPs to ASPs in Circles as ASP is a Circle level cadre. In some Circles IPs get promotion in ASPs cadre immediately after completion of minimum qualifying years of service in IP cadre viz 3 years (now 5 years) whereas in some Circles IPs are waiting their hierarchical promotion in ASP cadre even after regular service of 10-13 years in the cadre. The NSFG Scale would not only make a huge disparity in pay among ASPs who are originally entered in IP cadre on the basis of same examination and are borne on the same IP gradation list.
Therefore, the proposal to grant NSFG to Asstt. Superintendent Posts on completion of four years of service cannot be recommended.
Yours sincerely,
(SB Vyavahare)
Asstt.Director General (GDS/PCC)
Source: NFPEsd/-
(SB Vyavahare)
Asstt.Director General (GDS/PCC)

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