Monday, February 3, 2014

Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay

Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay


Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)
10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-700001

No. Pay/Tech-1/01 (6th CPC) /2014/01
Date: 30-01-2014
All Group Controllers

Subject: Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay.

References hove been received from different Br. AOs and Factories regarding extension of benefit of 3% increment in terms of MoF, Deportment of Expenditure OM No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dtd 07.01.2013 to those employees who were promoted f rom CM-II to CM-l/AF to JWM/MCM to CM on or after 1.1.2006.

In this connection, it may be stated that as per MoF, Deptt of Expenditure OM No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dtd 07.01.2013, benefit of fixation of pay under FR 22(1) (a) (l) can be extended when both the feeder and promotional grades were placed in the identical revised pay scales based on the recommendation of the 6th CPC and where the existence of both the erstwhile posts are continued in 6 CPC and at the same time the promotional post also involves assumption of higher responsibilities as envisaged in the MoF OM No. 169/2/2000-lC dtd 24.11.2000.

In this context, it is also significant to mention that after 6th CPC, the posts of CM-II & I and AF & JWM have been merged and replaced by a single grade of CM or JWM with a grade pays of Rs. 4200/- and Rs. 4600/- respectively.  Therefore, promotion between these grades after 6th CPC remains no more available and no movement within merged grade is practically possible and the basic conditions stipulated in G of I, MoF OM dtd 24-11-2000 including assumption of higher charge and existence of feeder and promotion grade are not fulfilled. Thus the benefit of 3% increment for movement from CM-II to CM-I and AF to JWM is not admissible in terms of proviso to para 2 of the aforesaid OM dtd 7.1.2013.

Whereas, in case of movement from MCM to CM, it may be stated that prior to 1.1.2006, the MCM grade was not a hierarchical post. The MCMs were part of HS cadre during 5th CPC. After the restructuring of Artisan cadre w.e.f  1.1.2006, the MCM grade has become a separate hierarchical post and cannot be treated within the strength of the HS. Hence, the condition stipulated under proviso to para 3 of MoF OM dtd 7-1-2013, that the promotional movement should be between two different posts of feeder and promotion post prior to 1 /1/2006 now carrying some grade pay, is not fulfilled in the case of the MCM also w.e.f 01-0.l -2006.

As such, promotionol benefit in terms of MOF OM dtd 7.1.2013 to the CM-l & JWM on their promotion from CM-II/MCM & AF respectively on or after .l.1.2006 may not be considered for admittance.
Br. AOs under your control may please be intimated accordingly.

Addl. C of A (Fys) has approved.

Asst. Controller of Accounts (Fys)


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