Wednesday, June 19, 2013

DOPT Guidelines - Lateral Entry against identified SAG/HAG posts needing technical/ Specialized knowledge

DOPT Guidelines - Lateral Entry against identified SAG/HAG posts needing technical/ Specialized knowledge

No. AB.14017/34/2008-Estt. (RR) (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 17th June, 2013

Subject: Recommendations of 6th CPC in para 6.1.13 regarding lateral entry against identified SAG/HAG posts requiring technical/ Specialized knowledge.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission (6th CPC) have inter alia recommended in para 6.1.13 of its Report that some of the SAG and HAG posts in Government requiring technical or specialized knowledge and which are not encadred in any of the Service be identified and filled by suitable officers within the Government as well as by the outsiders.

2. A copy of the relevant extracts of the recommendations of the 6th CPC is enclosed. The recommendations envisage that selection to such posts be through the UPSC and the Government employees applying for the posts, at the time of applying, be given the option to continue in the normal pay and allowances or receiving market driven salary, on selection. The objective is to ensure availability of the best talent for these higher level posts in Government and to bring in a higher sense of participation among citizens.

3. The recommendations have been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure and UPSC in this Department. UPSC agrees to make selection, in accordance with its mandate as given to it by the Constitution, for all posts so identified. However, selection methodology shall be worked out as and when the complete proposal specifying details of posts, duties attached to posts, qualification and experience required etc. are made available to them.

4. The various Ministries/Departments would need to carry out an exercise in this regard for identifying posts requiring technical/ specialized knowledge and examine the need for such contract appointment in the Ministry/Department.

5. A Note on guidelines for making contract appointment along with draft contract agreement is enclosed. It is requested that comments on the issue of having lateral entry into high level posts may be submitted to this Department by 15th July, 2013.

6. Hindi version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)


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